
Extensive coverage of urban environmental issues and the climate crisis as experienced in our cities through a combination of reports, analyses, interviews and commentaries. Focus areas include waste management, air and water pollution, protection of open spaces and water bodies, and the overall impact of climate change on urban communities. The articles explore solutions from a policy as well as citizen engagement angle.

பெருநகர சென்னை மாநகராட்சி, ஒருங்கிணைந்த திடக்கழிவு மேலாண்மை திட்டத்தின் (Integrated Solid Waste Processing Facility (IWPF)) கீழ், 2100 மெட்ரிக் டன் கழிவுகளை எரித்து மின்சாரம் உற்பத்தி செய்யும் எரிவுலையை கொடுங்கையூரில் நிறுவ திட்டமிட்டுள்ளது. இந்த  திட்டத்தின் தளம் - 01 குப்பை எரிவுலை (Waste-to-Energy Facility) திட்டமிடப்பட்டுள்ள இடம், ஈரநிலமாக அறியப்படும் சர்க்கார் நஞ்சை பகுதியில் அமைந்துள்ளது, இது வெள்ள பாதிப்புக்குட்பட்ட ஒரு பகுதியாகும். அதே நேரத்தில், இந்த இடம் ஏல ஆவணங்களில் (Tender Documents) குறைந்த வெள்ள பாதிப்புள்ள பகுதியில் உள்ளதாக தவறாக சித்தரிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.  இதனால் இப்பகுதியில் சுற்றுச்சூழல் பாதிப்பு ஏற்பட்டு மழைக்காலங்களில் அதிக வெள்ளம் ஏற்படும் வாய்ப்பை உருவாக்கும்.  இயற்கையான ஈரநிலங்களின் முக்கியத்துவம் பெருநகர சென்னை மாநகராட்சி - ஒருங்கிணைந்த திடக்கழிவு மேலாண்மை திட்டம் மூலம் மண்டலம் 1 முதல் 8 வரை உற்பத்தியாகும் திடக்கழிவுகள் மற்றும் மண்டலம் 9 முதல் 15 வரை பிரிக்கப்பட்ட…

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Chennai witnessed an unprecedented environmental disaster this year, as more than 1,000 dead Olive Ridley turtles washed ashore in January. The mass mortality event has put the Forest and Fisheries Departments, along with voluntary organisations, on high alert, prompting collaborative efforts to strengthen Olive Ridley turtle conservation. The Tamil Nadu Marine Fishing Regulation Act, 2020, which mandates mechanised trawlers to fish at least five kilometres from the shore, was enforced more strictly from late January. Fishermen were educated on the dangers of ghost nets and urged to use Turtle Excluder Devices (TEDs) to prevent accidental turtle entanglement. Read more: Oil…

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Lakshmipathi, a small-scale dairy farmer, has lived in Madambakkam for over 25 years. "Madambakkam’s name originates from cows, but the common grazing grounds around the lake have disappeared over time. Now, if we let the cattle roam the streets, corporation officials will impound them. It costs us ₹2,600 every time we retrieve them," he says. A government cattle grazing poromboke land converted into the urban forest near Madambakkam Lake. Pic: Shobana Radhakrishnan Cattle rearing is a vital livelihood for many in Madambakkam. "The area is home to around 3,000 cattle. The Madambakkam Lake and its surrounding land have historically served…

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“I have always been fascinated by trees. This long journey of documenting Bengaluru’s trees was addictive. The more I documented them, the more I wanted to do it,” remarked K Sankara Rao, author of Trees of Bangalore. Rao, a former professor at the Department of Biochemistry, Indian Institute of Sciences (IISc.), has a long and varied experience in the field of Plant Biology with profound reverence and love for nature. Published in two volumes, Trees of Bangalore is a one-time documentation depicting the rich ecology of Bengaluru and works as a road map for policymakers to preserve this richness. Read…

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Would you believe me if I told you that amidst the hustle and bustle of Bengaluru, there’s a whole world of tiny architects, serial killers, woodworkers, and coordinated dancers, each leading very peculiar lives? Their small size often helps them escape detection, but they are hard to miss once you train your eyes to notice them. A new guide, Commonly Spotted Insects and Spiders in the City of Bengaluru, can help you tune in to this fascinating world of many-legged, antennaed and often winged creatures.  And maybe, with the interesting nuggets that the book provides about each animal, you will…

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The green cover at Dindoshi Hills in Malad East is one among the disappearing forests of Mumbai. Rich in biodiversity, it extends over 138 hectares and is close to Tulsi Lake and Kanheri Caves. Unfortunately, the hills have fallen prey to the greed of developers, leading to deforestation. During a study conducted by Vanashakti from June 2021 to October 2022, we found forty species of plants in the close vicinity of the site. This includes Strobilanthes callosa, locally known as karvy, which blooms once in seven years and is categorised as ‘threatened’ in the IUCN Red List. We also observed…

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A long weekend drive on the highway sounds like a good way to unwind, but the massive, often overloaded trucks and other commercial vehicles belching black-grey smoke can make city roads less pleasant.  While commercial vehicles are crucial for the supply of essential goods across cities, they also cause major pollution. In Bengaluru, commercial vehicles make up just 4% of the total vehicle population but contribute a staggering 49% of the city's PM2.5 vehicular emissions. A recent study published by the National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS) revealed this fact.  Particulate matter from vehicle emissions penetrates deep into the lungs…

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Ramesh S, a resident of Perambur, stands at his local bus stop, waiting to start his daily commute. A beat-up Metropolitan Transport Corporation (MTC) bus, painted pink at the front and rear, arrives, emitting visible black smoke from its exhaust. The fumes and unpleasant smell make him cough. In 2023-24, the average age of MTC buses was 9.61 years as opposed to the recommended 9 years. With the addition of a few new buses into the fleet in 2024, this improved to 7.56 years, yet the overall situation remains concerning. The new buses still run on fossil fuel and the…

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Air pollution is a silent epidemic killing people and chipping away at the quality of life the world over. “Not only long-term exposure, but short-term exposure to large quantities of particulate matter can cause an increase in mortality rate. Globally, the death rate due to air pollution is as high as 65 lakhs because of multiple causes, including pollution-related respiratory, cardiac and neuropsychiatric illnesses. Overall they are the outcomes of poor AQI,” explains Dr Snehal Jadhav, the Head of the Department of Respiratory Medicine at R. N Cooper Hospital, Mumbai. This is more than evident in a study published in…

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Manvi Goyal, a PR professional, struggled to adapt to Mumbai's polluted air after living in the pristine hills of Kurseong, Darjeeling. “In two years, I have fallen ill several times,” she recounts. She suffers from breathing difficulties and constant dehydration despite drinking water. Manvi is one of many Mumbaikars affected by the city's worsening air quality. On December 30th, the BMC implemented certain sections of Stage IV of the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) in parts of Mumbai to improve air quality. Which GRAP IV measures did BMC implement?* Immediate stop to private and public construction in areas where the…

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