Lamps, snacks and crackers in the company of family. A perfect way of celebrating Deepavali! A festival where moderation invariably flies out of the window, especially in the presence of all that food, and the fun. During this festival that is celebrated across the length and breadth of our country, people do tend to get reckless, and a little careless too. They seem to forget that, the very same fire that lights lamps and crackers, can also cause burns and fire accidents. Let me rephrase that - it is the things people do / don’t do that causes the same…
Read morefire safety
As part of its persistent efforts to increase awareness around fire safety, Beyond Carlton has just launched its new refreshed website Apart from containing information on what Beyond Carlton means, it is also about what more, each of us as citizens can and will do. Fire safety, is not just the passion of the team at Beyond Carlton, but of thousands of people across India. This website looks to bring this community together and make it stronger. It will act as a forum for people to share news, share stories of change, start petitions and gather support, and enjoy…
Read moreBeyond Carlton has launched India’s first mobile app on fire safety. The app encourages citizen participation in identifying fire safety violations and reporting the same for effective action by the Fire Department. The app aims to: • To help identify more violations that can be addressed by the authorities• To sensitize and co-opt citizens to play a more dominant role in fire safety Fire Champ, the mobile application, launched by Beyond Carlton along with technical support from and involvement of Karnataka Fire and Emergency Services enables you to report any fire-related measures not adhered to in a building around…
Read moreNine people lost their lives and over 60 were injured in the fire that broke out in Carlton towers on 23rd February 2010. Four years later, how safe are our buildings, especially high-rises, from the perspective of fire hazards, is a question that needs to be urgently answered. The Beyond Carlton Memorial Lecture this year, saw Rajya Sabha MP and Chairman of Namma Bengaluru Foundation, Rajeev Chandrasekhar, speaking on 'Making City Government Agencies Accountable for Public Safety'. Rajeev started his talk by mentioning that the significance of an event such as the Carlton Tragedy, while painful to those affected, served…
Read moreIn the first half of 2011 alone, 1172 fire cases were reported in Bengaluru (BBMP) limits, says a top Karnataka fire department official. Following the High Court's ruling on a PIL filed by the Beyond Carlton group, the state government issued a notification on July 7 this year. The notification mandates co-ordination between BBMP and the state's Fire and Emergency Services department to check for fire safety in high rises.High rises (buildings with height above 15 m) are supposed to abide by safety norms of BBMP's building bye-laws, RMP (Revised Master Plan) and NBC (National Building Code). Unlike earlier, the…
Read moreThey persisted with what is right and have saved scores of Bengaluru's apartment associations lakhs of rupees in 2011. Arathi Manay Yajaman, 40, and O P Ramaswamy, 64, of JP Nagar challenged BESCOM's levy of penalties on their apartment complex and, despite being pushed around initially, won their case. BESCOM had penalised their apartment complex in August last year for not taking into account the building's fire safety equipment (pumps) as part of sanctioned electrical load. On January 12th, the Brigade Millennium Mayflower block residents association, represented by Arathi, received a letter from BESCOM, which in effect said BESCOM was…
Read more"In my site the sewage treatment plant (STP) is going to be transferred from the builder to the association soon and we need to know more about STP engineering and maintenance", says Ragupati S, 37, a first-time estate manager at Concorde Sylvan View, a gated community in Electronic City. Estate managers oversee maintenance operations for residential complexes, increasingly being called 'gated communities'. They are usually employees of the owners' associations. Dr Ananth Kodavasal giving participants a tour on the workings of an sewage treatment plant. Pic: Apartment Adda. Ragupati was one among over 40 estate managers who attended a recent…
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