Long term reforms needed for Mumbai and the state: Praja manifesto

Praja Foundation's manifesto for the upcoming assembly elections in Maharashtra is in alignment with sustainable development goals.

Praja, the NGO which works to ensure government accountability, has released a target based manifesto for reforms in Maharashtra for the upcoming assembly elections. The manifesto is designed to empower local governments as they are best placed  to understand and resolve local urban issues.

It outlines four major urban governance reforms, each with clearly identified goals, issues and targets which are in alignment with the sustainable development goals.

Urban governance reforms

  • Empowered City Elected Representatives and Legislative Structure: Empowered governance leads to effective governance. This requires urgent measures like timely and regular municipal elections and training for councillors.
  • Service delivery: Devolution of power will enhance the performance of the local government by putting power into their hands. Along with this the city government should be the single planning authority.
  • Citizens engagement: Creation of a Citizen Participation Forum and an open data portal  will allow for communication and a feedback loop between the public and the local governance, leading to better accountability.
  • Municipal finance: A standardised accounting standard recommended by the National Municipal Accounting Manual (NMAM) and a Municipal Dashboard with financial information will foster transparency and accountability.

Read more: Praja Report Card: How Mumbai voters can check their MLA’s performance

Measures to deal with climate change

  • To tackle climate change, the government should initiate urban greening measures, disaster resilience planning, sustainable urban transport, take the effort to reduce air pollution, and maintain accurate environmental reports.

Mumbai needs attention

  • Urban and town planning: A plan for sustainable development which provides equal access to everyone to safe housing, green spaces and basic amenities, and the creation of a local area development plan (LAD).
  • Economic and urban poverty alleviation: To alleviate poverty it is necessary  to Improve livelihoods and create a safe working environment for all workers, including migrant workers.
Mumbai skyline at night
A part of Praja’s manifesto for the assembly elections in Maharashtra focuses on improvements required in Mumbai. Pic: Cididity Hat via Wikimedia Commons
  • Mobility: Creating a robust public transport system, will provide access to sustainable affordable means of transport and  enhanced road safety. This can be done with a   holistic plan with a focus on road safety and repairing of bridges and skywalks.
  • Water supply: The government should ensure water supply of at least six hours to both formal and informal settlements. 
  • Sewerage: The administration must get 100% sewerage in STPs treated to reduce water pollution and prevent waterborne diseases. With this, they should ensure accessible and safe public toilets with electricity, sewerage and water supply.
  • Public health: It is an urgent need to design plans to end epidemics like AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis and to fight communicable and water borne diseases and to create awareness about non-communicable lifestyle related diseases.
  • Solid waste management: It is imperative to implement 100% segregation of garbage at source with scientific disposal of waste.
  • Promotion of education: Learning outcomes will improve by making sure students of all genders get free and quality education, by improving teacher-to-student ratio, and by the creation of school management committees to ensure accountability.

Policing, law and order

  • Law and order can be improved via effective implementation of reforms in the police department, filling in vacant positions, improving  CCTV surveillance in high-risk regions, and by establishing a robust cybercrime unit by use of improved technology and collaboration with national and international agencies. 

The manifesto sets out clear targets to be achieved from 2024 to 2029 by the government which will be elected in the upcoming assembly elections.

You can read the full manifesto here.

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  1. akhil says:

    The post was very good, I appreciate how you explain it, Keep the posts coming! Very good talent.

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