Mangoes on your mind

Mangifera Indica-Summer in India

When you’re facing the summer sun

When your skin burns and it’s no fun

To walk in the sunshine, it’s too bright

The summer glare hurts your head and sight…

You’ve got mangoes on your mind….



You pick up the fruit, scattered all round

Or in the market they can be found.

Small and raw, or with golden ripe sheen

Or any of the stages that happen in between,

You’ve got mangoes on your mind….


Made into pickle or eaten with salt

Made into milkshakes or a thick juicy malt

Any of the numerous varieties you get

To crunch, or down your throat the smooth fruit you let

You’ve got mangoes on your mind….



Other times of the year, you may not really see

The beautiful leaves, the bark of this tree

But when the fruit in bunches is hung

About the mangoes paeans are sung!

You’ve got mangoes on your mind….



Summer is awful, hot and sticky,

About many fruits you’re choosy and picky:

But when it comes to the King, mango…

Into transports of delight you go…

You’ve got mangoes on your mind!



are pickles and


is the fruit


Oh, this wonderful delectation…I am an Am aurat, and I am certainly an “Am Admi Paati”!

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