
“We began the tourist season on a happy note, mid-way we crumbled,” says Anup Thakur, President Manali Hoteliers Association. “Highways got choked, the 40-45 km Kullu–Manali road turned into a nightmare, while the administration slept through it all”. Unprecedented summer heat in the northern plains saw tourists flocking to Shimla, British India’s winter capital, in search of a cooler haven. The other popular tourist destination, Kullu-Manali, with its scenic drive to the 13059-feet high Rohtang Pass got crowded too. And while the rush was a boon for hoteliers and the state’s tourism industry, for visitors and locals alike, it proved…

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On June 8, Delhi’s peak electricity demand broke all previous records, hitting a new high of 6,934 megawatt (MW) at 3:28 pm on June 8, which was 6 per cent higher than last year’s peak. This is surprising because even though Delhi crossed the 2017 record four times since June 1, it was not even the hottest day of the season! The earlier record of 6,526 MW was set on June 6, 2017, which was a hotter day than June 8, 2018. In fact, Delhi's peak demand has been consistently higher than that of Mumbai, Kolkata and Chennai taken together during this…

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This summer, Jaipur’s temperatures are soaring upwards of 40 degree Celsius. Jaipur witnessed its hottest day (as of June 4, 2018) on April 26 when a temperature of 43.2 degree Celsius was recorded. Of late, at least some parts of the city are beginning to exhibit signs of climate change typical of large cities. With more concrete and asphalt replacing natural vegetation, “urban heat islands” are becoming a reality and Jaipur is a good example of this. Urban heat islands are pockets of densely populated areas in a city where temperatures are higher than the rest of the city, thanks to packed…

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With every year in the 21st century getting hotter than the previous, the question arises if Indian cities are geared up to face the severe summers that loom large. Heat waves across the country have turned out to be silent killers. According to one report from the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD), heat wave casualties are increasing every year and India was worst hit by heat waves in 2015, causing 2300 deaths, making it the fifth highest in world history in terms of number of deaths. But the numbers often go unnoticed. Most of the deaths were concentrated in Andhra Pradesh, Telangana,…

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Summer thirst

I thirst...Not for love, money orEven happiness.I thirst for waterTo quench the parched earthTo bring green to the brownTo bring fresh hope to those Who raise crops and food for us.I need waterTo fill the potsOf each slum-dwellerWho puts her (it's never a he)Vessel in a long line of colours,Waiting to drink, wash and live.I have had enough of grishma ritu.I want varsha...not just the odd showerOr thunderstorm, but a steady,Cloudy, drumming seasonThat will replenish the depletedPlateau,that we live onAnd call home.

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Purnimaa Ranganath writes: "Thanks to BESCOM and its erratic power shut downs already this month my fridge's compressor packed up and had to get it replaced ....and yesterday the power supply went on and off every 5mins...nearly 6 times in an hour...God I hope something else doesn't blow too.." The sad thing is that there is no accountability. Direct switch-offs would not be as bad as the "brownouts" of low voltage, or surge of high voltage, which are deadly to expensive electrical and electronic gadgets, often bought with savings over months. How do we make BESCOM accountable?

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Summer blooms…

Here are the blooms of summer...the purple of the Jacaranda, the yellow of the Copper-Pod Bearer, and the red of the Gulmohar...     Even the height of summer, a walk in my city is delightful because I am shaded by these trees and delighted by the carpets of their blossoms...

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Mangoes on your mind

When you're facing the summer sun When your skin burns and it's no fun To walk in the sunshine, it's too bright The summer glare hurts your head and sight... You've got mangoes on your mind....     You pick up the fruit, scattered all round Or in the market they can be found. Small and raw, or with golden ripe sheen Or any of the stages that happen in between, You've got mangoes on your mind....   Made into pickle or eaten with salt Made into milkshakes or a thick juicy malt Any of the numerous varieties you get…

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Purple Beauty

The Jacaranda trees are in full bloom now, across the city.     Against the blue, the purple looks lovely:     And then, of course, Nature strews the blooms across the path.     It's lovely to walk through a carpet of purple. The Jacaranda is native to tropical and subtropical regions of Central America, South America, Cuba, Hispaniola and the Bahamas. It has been planted widely in Asia, and in Bangalore, at this time of the year, it adds great beauty.   Here   is the Wiki entry about the tree. Enjoy the flowering trees of spring and…

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  Despite the scorching heat, there is so much to see all around us! Lets capture bangalore's summer life in our sketchbooks !    Here's the GreenScraps, nature journaling workshop for this summer! Please find all the details in the poster attached - the batch, date, age and place. As always, the registrations are restricted to about 12 participants each batch.  So, please contact us ASAP, before it gets filled in! Your participation would be confirmed only once the payment is made.     For more detail: GreenScraps Blog - GreenScraps Facebook -

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