Bengaluru this week
October 29th 2015
As a local community media, Citizen Matters makes a small, but significant difference to the lives of Bangaloreans – by reporting about the news that really matters, by featuring the change makers in the city, by giving you a forum to communicate with other like-minded people. We will be launching our biannual fundraiser in a few days and we hope that you will continue to support Oorvani Foundation to enable change. With you by our side, we can continue to catalyse the work of change makers. Look out for updates on this… This week’s highlight: All you need to know about Bellandur lake Froth floats on the surface of Bellandur lake. Pic: Sanchayan Nath Each time it rains near Bellandur lake, froth surfacing from the lake overruns nearby roads and vehicles. Why is this happening? When did the problem start? What is stopping the government from rejuvenating Bengaluru’s biggest lake? Here is the full picture of Bellandur lake and its problems. Insights into Bengaluru How effective are microfinance institutions in helping the poor in Bengaluru deal with their crises? Do self help groups really help? What is the downside? Here’s the third part of Insights into Bengaluru, our series on the city’s urban poor: When microfinance makes things worse for the poor. Remembering CV Raman Sir CV Raman in his classroom. Pic courtesy: We have a yet another new series on Citizen Matters, on one of India’s best scientists, one who has lent his name to several institutions, even localities. In this four-part series, we will explore Nobel laureate, CV Raman’s life and work in Bengaluru. Read about his early life and his journey to Bengaluru. How CV Raman came to Bengaluru. The heroes among us This weekend, a group of friends from Bengaluru is running a distance equivalent to that of seven half-marathons, to raise funds to support farmers in Chintamani. The money raised by them could go towards purchasing solar lamps, or building bunds to prevent soil erosion. Read: A running event that will help farmers in Chintamani. Are you working on finding solutions to challenges faced by persons with disabilities? Can they be applied in rural areas? If yes, you could apply for the Enable Makeathon by November 15th for the opportunity to see your idea through to fruition. Food for thought The aftermath of Ganesha Habba. Pic: Vaidyanathan R During Ganesha Habba, there are grand processions to neighbourhood lakes to immerse the idols. But what happens to them once the festival is over? See: In pictures – Ganesha, after the Habba. Living in the city Why aren’t the solutions provided by the government’s own agencies not taken into consideration while planning infrastructure? Wouldn’t implementing them actually help solve the problems that plague Bengaluru? Read: Dear Infra Department, set your priorities for Bengaluru right! At a new bus stand that is being erected, a significant portion of the space is earmarked for advertising. Wouldn’t it be more useful if the bus routes were listed instead? Read: Shortcoming in bus stop design. Culturati Gone are the days when eating out meant going to a restaurant. With new fast food shacks coming up almost every week, here’s a look at some of the must-try joints in the city. Read: Munching your way around Bengaluru. Swati Simha reviews the play, Sakina Manzil, which takes viewers into the pre-independence era, and gives new insight into the freedom struggle. Read: A refreshing take on the freedom struggle. Flora and fauna Red rumped swallows sit on a wire above Silk Board signal. Pic: Deepa Mohan. Despite rapid development in Bengaluru, there are many species of birds that adapt to urban life. Here’s a pretty sight from Silk Board signal that’s proof of that. Read: They survive… Have you smelled the sweet, heady scent of the flower of the Indian Cork Tree? Here’s what you can do to make your home smell lovely. Read: Scents of nature. While it seems as if the entire city is slowly going wireless, wouldn’t it be wonderful if we let our trees remain wireless too? Read: Wireless network. Laugh out loud Here’s a reminder that one must keep an eye out, so as to not miss out the little things that add some humour to our daily lives. Read:Burgers and… Living by the lake On October 8th, 34 volunteers from Cisco livened up Puttenahalli Lake with their good humored banter, and their swift and efficient planting of saplings to form a protective hedge along the walking track. Read: Cisco volunteers at Puttenahalli Lake. Also read: Puttenahalli lake and Navratri. The week that was
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