
Posting for all children, on behalf of Hari Someshekar : The theme for this issue of the WWF Panda Magazine is Big Cats (tiger, lion, leopard, snow leopard and so on), which we hope will be exciting and interesting for children. Please do encourage your children/ children you know. who write/draw well, to submit their articles, experiences, stories, poems, photographs and illustrations on the topic by January 21, 2013. We are also open to entries in regionallanguages/vernacular and would prefer submissions in soft copiesPlease email entries tohsomashekar@wwfindia.net ⊕

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It’s that time of the year when people fret over the time wasted not doing something they had decided to and promptly put it on the list for the next year! Was one of your resolutions for this year weight-loss? Is it now at the top of next year’s ‘To-do’ list? Well, you’re not alone! According to surveys conducted every year-losing weight is among the most common New Year resolution across the globe. The two main reasons why it gets conveniently pushed into the next year’s list, year after year are that people are either “too busy” or just plain…

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Feminism thrives

The current socio-political (re)awakening nationwide encouraged me to share this piece that I had penned sometime back. I do not recall when and where I first heard the word feminist. But I am certain that it is essential to remember some of the positive contributions that feminism has made to women and society overall. These include the securing of voting rights for women, the right to work outside home, inclusion in anti-discrimination laws, et al. All this was achieved through the relentless and determined efforts of many courageous and committed women and some men, amidst much opposition. And the women's…

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Ganjam in association with Bangalore Little Theatre presents `Tiger ! Tiger ! ‘ by (the late) Dina Mehta, a site-specific theatre exploration that is being performed at the Bangalore Fort. The performance is a part of the prestigious History of Ideas programme of Bangalore Little Theatre and is in partnership with the Centre for Public History as a part of the `Tiger comes to Town'.The performance marks the first time a heritage site in the city will open itself out to a unique experiment that will enable an audience to experience a historical event at its very location.`Tiger ! Tiger…

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We are talking a lot about banning plastic bags now, and in BTM Layout, I came across this sign (at Disney Bakery):This (apart from the multi-spelling of "environment") set me thinking. There seems to be a lot of greenwash going around. How, if plastic is banned, are we willing to sell it? Is this not just one more way of making money? I think it's time to BAN plastic bags, not just SELL them. ⊕

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Disney Bakery

Disney Bakery in BTM Layout is one of the many immensely popular "Bun" joints...where one can get an inexpensive bun with a variety of stuffings, along with coffee or tea, for a filling and quite wholesome meal-on-the-go.Here's one of the staff, giving me a friendly wave:Here are the two parts of the eatery: the beverages part:and the edibles part:Here's their most popular bun...bun-butter-congress (peanuts are called congress here!), along with a lemon tea and a chai:Masala sandwiches and other items are brought in by vans:Rules about smoking and disposal of waste are clearly posted...Instead of the old, slowly-burning coir rope,…

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Clickhere for the FB group.Here's my report on a monthly quiz group that I joined in 1992, and which is still going strong....Hi Everyone!I must say, the one word that is most misused in QuizFamilies (afterthe word "Basically", which we use while we grope for answers thatmay, by some random chance, be correct) is..."sitter".When any quizmaster, mistress, King, Queen or Knave tells you, "Thisis a sitter" ...whether he or she is talking about the question or thequiz....DO NOT believe the words. It takes quite a while for the reallollipops to start appearing, and then, ofkose, they always go toOther Teams…

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Playwright: Mahesh DattaniDirector: Lillete DubeyActors: Lillete Dubey (old Nazia), Soni Razdan (Zarine and Ruby), Neha Dubey (Young Nazia, Shakuntala, and Nikhat), Sid Makkar ( King Dushyant, Suhel, and Vinay), and Priyanka Karunakaran (an aspiring stage actress)Pic: DMWell, those facts start off my review of the play; the rest of the unit...the all-important crew....their names were announced rapidly at the beginning of the play, and I could not take them down in the dark; nor was any brochure given, where I could refer to the names...an oversight I hope will be rectified in further productions of the play.Pic: DMThe play opened…

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A good deed…

I watched when this palatial house in BTM Layout was coming up. and some friends exclaimed at the lavishness of the construction.But then, I saw that several Honge (Pongaemia) saplings had been planted in front of the house. This must have been five or six years ago, I think.Today I was walking by...and those trees provide welcome shade to cars and pedestrians. I know some home owners who have cut down trees during the construction of their houses; so it is a welcome change to see a scene like this. ⊕

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The residents of Casa Ansal, J P Nagar 3rd Phase, Bannerghatta Road, have resorted to many steps to remove the illegal waste-dumping at their compound wall.The Corporator came and met them and promised action.But today, the refuse heap is as bad as ever (though the BBMP does clear it daily)..and now, cownferences are happening...Residents have taken to referring to their building as "kasa (garbage) Ansal" in frustration.When will the Corporator actually do something for this unfortunate building, which is well-maintained inside?  ⊕

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