Do you know how much electricity common household appliances consume when you use it? What is the reason behind your skyrocketing electricity bills in the summer? How can you use the appliances in your house in an optimum way that in turn can bring your bills down? Minsarathai Semippom, an initiative focused on energy efficiency and conservation at a household level, can now help you figure out the answers to these questions. The programme is being run the Citizen consumer and civic Action Group (CAG), in partnership with Technology Informatics Design Endeavour (TIDE) and supported by Societe Generale Global Solution…

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1,697 citizens from Chennai took an oath to embrace source segregation yesterday (May 12th), during a door-to-door campaign conducted by Citizen Consumer and civic Action Group (CAG), in collaboration with Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC). The campaign was conducted in three locations in Chennai -- Anna Nagar, Adyar and Royapuram.   The day began with a gathering of people at three different venues. Besides the regular walking population, Anna Nagar Tower park bustled with residents, volunteers, conservancy workers and corporation officials for the event. The Kasturba Nagar Community hall in Adyar and Anna Park in Royapuram also saw good crowds, comprised…

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With just two days to go for Phase 2 of the 17th Lok Sabha Polls, civic campaigns complement the Election Commission of India's back-to-back activities on creating awareness about the right to vote. As part of the Systematic Voters' Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP) activities by the Election Commission, Greater Chennai Corporation has organised various activities such as Parasailing, bike rally and workshops to reach out to the voters. The website of the Chief Electoral officer, Tamil Nadu is filled with awareness videos by eminent film personalities such as Vijay Sethupathi and Vivek. Created by the Election Commission, #MakeYourMarkTN is…

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To address the looming air pollution crisis in Bengaluru, Health & Environment Alliance (HEAL), a leading European non-profit organisation, in collaboration with Global Climate and Health Alliance (GCHA), launched the Healthy Air Coalition on Friday, 5th April, at the St John’s Research Institute (SJRI). SJRI is a key partner of the initiative. According to a study published in the environment journal Lancet Planetary Health, air pollution in India leads to at least 1.2 million premature deaths each year. The 2018 study attributed one in eight deaths that occurred in India in 2017 to poor air quality and exposure to ultra-fine…

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Come summer and Bengalureans can be seen obsessively discussing water, or rather the lack of it. While water tankers bring momentary relief, residents can’t help pondering over the long-term implications of water shortage. To find solutions to the water crisis, the third water workshop organised by ADDA, a company that offers an integrated apartment management software for gated communities, brought to light several ongoing sustainable water management initiatives. On March 23rd, representatives of Resident Welfare Associations (RWAs), citizen groups and activists met at the The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) campus to seek solutions to the ongoing water crisis in…

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The iconic Chennai Photo Biennale is drawing to a close this weekend. The event that showcases the work of 50 artists from 13 countries across the world has seen yet another successful run and will end on March 24, 2019.  A myriad activities that were part of the schedule included film screenings, workshops, interaction with artists and skill training. This year's exhibition saw the opening up of the exquisite Senate House to the public through the efforts of the organisers. With the Biennale winding up, here is what you can catch in the next few days! Biennale roundup Guided tours…

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Various citizen collectives and individuals gathered at Maurya Circle on Saturday, demanding cancellation of tenders called for the elevated corridor project. When Citizens Live spoke to the protesters, a range of opinions emerged. Some were clear that the project should be scrapped, while some others said that due process including public consultations should be followed first. However, the general consensus was that public transport should be prioritised over mega projects like the elevated corridor that only encourage car ownership further.

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"கூத்துக்கொட்டாய்" உயிரற்ற பிம்பங்களை, சினிமாவிலும் தொலைக்காட்சியிலும் பார்த்து பழகிவிட்டோம். உயிரோட்டத்துடன் நம் கண் முன்னே ஆடிப்பாடி நமக்கு புத்துயிர் ஊட்டும் 50 திறன்மிகு நாட்டுப்புற கலைஞர்கள் வரும் சனி ஞாயிறு சென்னைக்கு வருகிறார்கள். 4 மணி நேரம் 50 கலைஞர்கள் 55 வகையான மீட்டெடுக்கப்பட்ட தமிழர் கலைகள் ஒரே மேடையில்! குதூகலம் கொடுக்கும் அரிதான பழைய காலத்து விளையாட்டுக்கள். ஆட்டம்போட வைக்கும் நாட்டுப்புறப் பாடல்கள், மலைக்க வைக்கும் திறமையுடன்  வீதி நாடக வகைகள், பிரம்மிப்பூட்டும் நம் பாட்டன் காலத்து ஆட்டங்கள்! 'கூத்துக்கொட்டாய்' - இது நம் தமிழர்களின் செறிவூட்டும் பொழுது போக்கு! 'கூத்துக் கொட்டாய்' நிகழ்வை அளிக்க இருக்கும் கலைஞர்கள் சமீபத்தில் 120 கலைகளை ஒரே மேடையில் நிகழ்த்தி உலக சாதனை புரிந்தவர்கள். கலைமாமணி உள்ளிட்ட பல விருதுகளை மாநில அளவிலும் தேசிய அளவிலும் வாங்கியவர்கள். இதில் திரட்டப்படும் தொகை நலிந்த நாட்டுப்புற கலைஞர்கள் பிள்ளைகளின் கல்லூரி படிப்பிற்காக செலவிடப்படும். நிகழ்ச்சி…

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"Celebrating four years of changemaking"- this is what my good friends at Namma Ooru Foundation (NOF) Called the event. So naturally I expected to hear stories of the journey, milestones, troubles encountered along, successes hard earned, etc. And of course I knew that I would be meeting many of Chennai's environment warriors. I was looking forward to it. It was all that, and more. I met several of the remarkable individuals that we keep reaching out to, both for our writings at Citizen Matters, and in our personal capacity, for guidance in our efforts to refuse, reduce, reuse and recycle.…

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There was a lot of pomp about the Ridley run that was scheduled to take place on Sunday, February 17th, starting at Palavakkam beach. Save a Turtle group had mentioned on their website that the event aimed to create awareness about the endangered Olive ridley turtle population that come to nest along the Coromandel coast and educate local communities about the ways to protect the hatchlings. Citizens started registering for the event online, sand sculptors had given dates and things seemed to be set for the run. However, two days prior to the event, the organisers called off the run.  Locals…

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