Namma Ooru Foundation anniversary event to showcase alternatives for green living

Environmental organisation Namma Ooru Foundation will be hosting the Namma Green Sandhai to mark its fourth anniversary. Scheduled activities, discussions and alternatives on display seek to promote and facilitate a low-waste lifestyle among citizens.

A wooden toothbrush, an eco-nozzle that regulates water flow from the tap and detergents and bathing products prepared and packed by eco-friendly methods. If you are environmentally conscious and looking for options to lead a zero or minimum waste lifestyle, Namma Green Sandhai is where you want to be on March 2nd, between 3 pm and 7 pm.

The sandhai is yet another community initiative by Namma Ooru Foundation (NOF), to encourage mid sized entrepreneurs dealing with environment-friendly, sustainable alternatives. NOF is organising the sandhai at Adyar Shastri Nagar Welfare Association Community Hall, as part of the organisation’s 4th anniversary celebrations.

“The sandhai will have eco-friendly products or alternatives ranging from cloth diapers, cloth sanitary pads to organic baked goodies with eco friendly packaging, wooden cutlery, biodegradable tableware among the few,” said Viji Ganesh, a volunteer with NOF.

A range of interesting and informative programmes are scheduled for March 2nd, to propagate smart waste management goals among citizens. Discussions will also be held on Tamil Nadu’s plastic ban, sustainable menstrual methods and waste segregation. 

“We will present a case study on Jains Sasvat, an apartment in Adambakkam, that is successfully segregating and composting biodegradable waste. The apartment with 92 houses is into 100 percent waste processing, thus procuring 300 kilos of manure in 15 days,” said Viji Ganesh.  

The organic waste digester that uses no energy to convert bio waste into rich compost. Credits: NOF

Date: March 2, 2019

Time: 3 pm – 7 pm

Venue: Adyar Shastri Nagar Welfare Association Community Hall 18/11,  5th cross street, Shastri Nagar, Adyar, Chennai 600020

(The article is based on the press release from Namma Ooru Foundation)

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