As Bengaluru struggles with an ongoing water crisis, it reports a shortage of about 500 million litres of water every day. The significant water problem in the city is frequently blamed on insufficient rainfall, unregulated groundwater exploitation, and environmental negligence. However, it is essential to investigate water contamination, notably from sewage and industrial effluents, as a major cause of the water crisis. The focus then moves to Shivpura Lake in the Peenya Industrial Area. Although a key industrial area, Peenya is neglected, as evidenced by its poor infrastructure and pollution issues. Shivpura Lake, in particular, is contaminated by the surrounding…
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Namitha is currently an Urban Fellow at IIHS Bangalore and an intern with the Urban Water Team at WELL Labs. With a Master's in Environmental Science from the University of East Anglia, UK, she specialises in water commons and related challenges. She employs her data and GIS skills to solve pressing environmental issues.