NGO wants to plant 60,000 saplings in Karnataka in 41 days

Imagine cycling through the length and breadth of Karnataka? That's exactly what this NGO wants to do. And while they are at it, they want to plant 60,000 saplings across the state.

enter for Education Environment and Community, in partnership with Cycle For Cause, is organising a cycle rally, to celebrate World Earth Day and World Environment Day.

Kicking off from Bengaluru on Earth Day, which falls on April 22nd, the group hopes to cover 30 district headquarters in Karnataka, including places in North Karnataka like Bidar, Raichur and Gulbarga, before returning to Bengaluru on World Environment Day, which falls on June 5th.

During the course of the trip, the group is looking to promote reforestation by engaging with local organisations, colleges, individuals and government departments. The plan is to plant 60,000 saplings across all district headquarters in the period between Earth Day and World Environment Day. This is part of the larger plan to plant 7.8 billion trees by 2020.

Other activities that will be conducted during the course of the rally include: 

  1. Mobilising 20,000 cyclists in Karanataka Parade in Bangaluru on World Environment Day

  2. Planting 60,000 samplings in all district headquarters 

  3. Promoting and encouraging cycling for sports and environment

  4. Cycling Safety Awareness programs

  5. Promoting treated wastewater reuse for gardening and avenue plantation

  6. Promoting the use of solar power for homes, buildings, transportation, and entire cities

  7. Explore opportunities to improve and expand sustainable public transportation networks 

To participate in the rally, and for more information, you can reach out to Dr Hariesh on 93413 90529 or Sunil KG on 99162 38377.

Tentative route

  1. Bangalore – April 22, 2016 – 50 km

  2. Ramanagara – April 23, 2016 – 60 km

  3. Mandya – April 24, 2016 – 45 km

  4. Mysore – April 25, 2016 – 70 km

  5. Chamarajanagara – April 26, 2016

  6. Madikeri – April 28, 2016 – 140 km

  7. DK – Mangalore – April 30, 2016 – 180 km

  8. Hassan – May 02, 2016 – 60 km

  9. Chikmagalur – May 03, 2016 – 120 km

  10. Sivamogge – 05 june 2016- 120 km

  11. Davanagere – May 6, 2016 – 75 km

  12. Haveri – May 7, 2016 – 80 km

  13. Gadag – May 8, 2016- 65 km

  14. Dharward – 9 May 2016 – 80 km

  15. Dandeli (Uttara Kannada)– 10 May 2016

  16. Belgaum – 10 May 2016 – 80 km

  17. Chikkodi – May 11, 2016 -140 km

  18. Bijapur – 13 May 2016 – 160 km

  19. Gulbarga -15 May 2016- 120 km

  20. Bidar – 17 May 2016 – 180 km

  21. Yadgir – 20 May 2016 – 85 km

  22. Raichur – 21 May 2016- 200 km

  23. Bagalkote- 24 may 2016 – 110 km

  24. Koppal – 26 May 2016- 180 km

  25. Bellary – 28 May 2016 – 140 km

  26. Chitradurga – May 30, 2016 – 90 km

  27. Tumakuru – May 31, 2016- 100 km

  28. Chikkaballapura – 02 June 2016 – 60 km

  29. Kolar – 03 June 2016 – 70 km

  30. Bangalore Rural – 04 June 2016

  31. Bangalore – 05 June 2016 – World Environment Day

About Center for Education Environment and Community

Center for Education Environment and Community (CEECo) is a registered non-for-profit organisation working in the areas of activity-based environmental education, community-based environmental conservation and rural development from 2009. Since its inception, the organisation has been working to create a healthy and sustainable environment. It believes that a healthy environment is one which has healthy people.

About CycleforCause

CycleforCause is an initiative floated by like-minded cyclists with an intent to provide a platform to empower cycling communities, prospective cyclists, and sensitising them about environment pollution.

CycleforCause is an initiative floated by like-minded cyclists with an intent to provide a platform to empower cycling communities, prospective cyclists, and sensitising them about environment pollution.

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