Diwali cleaning: All for a cause

Mum had been asking me to dispose of my huge collections of comics and story books, my old school books, clean up my room and get rid of what she calls 'all the junk'. So what did I do?

All of us are looking forward to Diwali this year aren’t we? The bursting of crackers and sentimental pooja truly makes this occasion special. But there are many others out there who don’t get this chance. So I decided to do something about this.

As Diwali celebrations are coming up, my mum had been asking me to dispose of my huge collections of comics and story books, my old school books, clean up my room and get rid of what she calls all the junk. I thought, why not put some of this stuff to some good use. I reached out to RK Foundation’s VASTRA program where they source and provide clothing to the needy and their VIDYA program that provides books, notebooks and stationery to help them live with dignity. 

So I started a community project in and around my apartment complex, calling it the "Diwali for a Cause" project. I am going door to door and using email and social media to encourage friends and neighbours to part with stuff they no longer need and donate it for a good cause. I have displayed flyers in the neighbourhood encouraging others to contribute to the cause.  

I am pitching to my neighbours. "Every Diwali we clean our homes. This time, as you clean up if there are things that you no longer need, please give them to us and we will use these items for a noble cause.  You can now bring a smile to someone less fortunate just by cleaning your house. We look forward to your whole hearted support! Clean your house and make a difference – Let’s make our Diwali Cleaning support the less privileged ones. How about it?", are my pitch lines. 

The "Diwali for a Cause Project" has gone about collecting old toys, books, lamps, dress accessories any other stuff people no longer needed. Whatever clothes I have gathered would go to RK Foundation’s VASTRA program, the books and stationery would go to their VIDHYA- Educational Aid program to help the underprivileged school children. I am putting up a stall to sell the remaining items from 10 AM on 11th November, at the Sunday Bazaar on the Service Road close to Bangalore Central Mall on Outer Ring Road, Bangalore.

I have convinced my mum to use my home balcony as a warehouse to gather the items that continue to pour in. All those who would like to support this cause and donate in cash or kind can email me (Click on the write to author link). I will collect the stuff at a date and time of your convenience.


  1. Sindhoor says:

    Highly commendable initiative. I too have a similar initiative, that I want to run every year from Diwali to New Years, where I ask people to donate time/money to the cause of abandoned homeless animals. I call the program Wag-It-Forward

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