Festival internships at Ranga Shankara

Ranga Shankara announces its first internship programme during its upcoming Theatre Festival 2008. Applications are invited from interested candidates before 24 September 2008.

Since its commencement in 2004, the annual Ranga Shankara Theatre Festivals have brought the best of Indian and international theatre to Bangalore. This year’s Festival will provide six interns the opportunity to gain first-hand knowledge of how a theatre works and to work with India’s leading theatre professionals in a positive and energised environment.

The Festival Internships run for 45 full days, starting on 1 October 2008 and concluding on 15 November 2008. The internships are open to graduates available to work full time for the 45-day period. Graduates in Journalism, Mass Communication and Event Management are especially encouraged to apply. Certificates will be issued to the interns on completion of the internship. The internship is an unpaid position.

The philosophy of the programme is to have interns work with the staff and theatre practitioners on a daily basis in preparation for the Annual Theatre Festival, observing practical applications of skills required in theatre and festival administration and applying those skills to assigned tasks.

Through this exposure to theatre professionals at work—and to their audiences—interns will learn what a Theatre Festival means to the life of a community, and how the life of a community enriches its theatre. Interns will, thus, experience the rewards and challenges associated with producing theatre in the professional theatre community. While every effort is made to make internships a valuable educational experience, interns are expected to perform a variety of tasks, not all of which will be glamorous.

How to Apply

To apply for the internships, interested candidates must submit the following documents by e-mail to rsfest08 [at] gmail.com before 24 September 2008.

  1. Personal Statement: This statement must be no longer than one page and must state why you are applying for the internship; what you expect from a Ranga Shankara internship; your experience and/or education in theatre, arts/event management; and the qualities you possess that qualify you as a candidate for a Ranga Shankara internship.
  2. Résumé: The résumé should include the candidate’s email address and contact information, including landline and mobile phone numbers. The resume should clearly state the following
    • Candidate’s level of proficiency in English, Kannada & Hindi
    • Candidate’s skills in graphic design; sound, lights, technical areas; handling event logistics, if any.

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