Articles by B S Iyer

B S Iyer is an active citizen conscious of his civic responsibilities and concerned about good governance in private and public Institutions. He retired as Independent Director and Chairman of 3M India and was also VP (CS and Legal counsel) for Bosch India. He was a member of the ethics committee of NCBS and InStem for over 10 years.

Urban India at its lower end of the economic spectrum is changing fast. As cities develop and become important centres of trade and services, the migrant workers form a crucial part of this growth. In most cities today, a bulk of the critical support jobs are done by migrant workers, often hailing from states such as Orissa, Bihar, Assam and West Bengal. Through my interactions with guest workers from various parts of India, I have observed an evolving workforce with aspirations for better job opportunities, higher education for their children, and a desire to enhance their skills. Here are some…

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Manufacturing units (aka factories) come under the purview of various chapters and sections of the Factories Act, 1948 which provides detailed regulations concerning health, disposal of waste and effluents, lighting, drinking water, safety and other aspects relevant to working conditions. The legislation also governs working hours, rests, overtime for extra hours, the welfare officer et al. And the responsibility for compliance is on the ‘Occupier' who should be a director of the company and the factory manager.While the above provisions are grossly inadequate even for today's manufacturing industries, they barely cover the conditions prevailing in Information Technology (IT) and Information…

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Protect the metro

The Metro is becoming a reality. The first leg is getting ready. The trial run has begun. The stations are getting ready. The foot over bridge is nearing completion at many stations. The stations have been named sensibly. The glass facade is being errected at many stations. The appearance is one of class and style that every Bangalorean can feel proud of whether or not he belongs to Karnataka.Now comes the risk. Political groups and anti social elements who are used to damaging public property have another beautiful target. It is very essential that apart from the government and civic…

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