Band baaja aur traffic Jam

Flyover under construction and pandal below it! Huge crowds gather to listen to the live bands performing there causing traffic jam.

If you stay around Kanakpura Road , you know what a ordeal it is to traverse this road during peak hours. With the Metro construction in full swing, all we are left with is a narrow lane on either side for cars. Buses, jatka vehicles (horse carriages), cement mixtures, autos and lorries. On any normal day, it can take up to 30-45 min to reach the family mart junction from Konanakunte cross.

If this weren’t enough, we noticed that a huge pandal with loud speakers, lighting arrangement and seating arrangement was done right below the flyover. I believe this is some local temple celebration because we saw huge cutouts of goddesses adorned with colour lights on one part of the road.

Pandal right below the flyover. Pic: Vani Balaraman

What’s astonishing is not that they were causing a traffic jam but their idea of setting up a pandal right below the flyover that is still under construction. Most of the work is done around some part of the road, allowing a vast space for lorries to be parked and pandals to be setup. But still I am amazed that someone came up with that brilliant idea to make a seating arrangement below the flyover. On the way back home, I noticed a huge crowd had gathered engrossed in the live music the band was playing.

Does it take too much thinking to realize that a flyover under construction means easy accidents with equipments falling down?


  1. Santana says:

    Very true ,any construction site should be cordoned off ,should be out of reach for any civilian . Having a festival under a bridge which is being constructed cannot be allowed.
    Is the public authorities listening and contractor who is contructing the bridge know such things are hapening or are they turning blind eye for some reasons.

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