
There is a huge difference between perception and reality. There is a certain image built about politicians and IAS officers that gets amplified by social media posts - usually a reaction to some headline, a quote, an incident that triggers outrage. But when you actually try and engage and work with politicians and officers, you will find many of them to be sincere, knowledgeable and passionate about their job and committed to positive change in their own ways. We don't talk about it much but many of us know, this is true. The wheels of the city move forward despite…

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Birds know no borders; the ones that we go to see in Karnataka fly off and can be seen once we cross over into Kerala! So when the birders of Kasargod announced the second Kidoor Bird Fest, to celebrate both the first sighting of the Orange-breasted Green Pigeon Photo credit: Sarala Jeevanthi Gamage and the birthday of Dr Salim Ali, the noted ornithologist, it was clear that this would be a productive birding weekend. The participants and the organizers. The festival was a bigger event than it was in 2017, because this time, birders from all over Karnataka (see featured…

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We are all frustrated about lack of urban governance - garbage, pot holes, flooding, dengue, traffic, we bear the brunt of it all, day in and day out. Almost every week there is a protest some place or other, a human chain, a petition, signature campaigns. WhatsApp groups are born every day for some cause or other. Citizens go to MLAs, MPs, Deputy Chief Minister, Chief Secretary, anyone willing to listen to their complaints. Media events like 'Jana Spandana' are housefull with lots of people waiting to air their grievances. But all these - local issues - are supposed to…

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Sometimes the shadow is just as interesting as the substance. I was privileged to peep in on a shadow puppet workshop that Michael and Wendy Dacre conducted at Kathalaya, BTM Layout, Bangalore, on 23rd November 2018. Nikhil from the Hindu interviews Michael and Wendy, while Geeta looks on. Shadow puppet theatre has long been a part of the traditional arts of many cultures,but when Wendy first got interested in it, she found that there was no tradition of it at all, in the United Kingdom. She built up her shadow puppets, and the shadow puppet theatre, from scratch, using any…

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I was about to write something about this event for my blog, and realized my official report for the Karnataka Forest Dept would do just as well! The founder-members of Bangalore Butterfly Club (BBC), from Nagraj's slide presentation: The Karwar Swift, not very common. The second Butterfly Festival at Doresanipalya Forest Research Station, celebrated on 17th November, 2018, was very successful. These ladies, making the rangoli, brought as much of colour as the butterflies did, to the event. Though limitations on the space available at the venue, in terms of the hall for presentations, resulted in the event not being…

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It says a lot for the wondrous variety of vehicles on our roads, that a silver chariot of the sun, drawn by seven horses (and, presumably a little more horsepower), with regulation headlights, does not make heads turn!

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While walking home from my daughter's, I caught the sunlight, slanting in beams in the dusty morning air: Ironic that it's the pollution in our air which shows up the shafts of sunlight! The scene also illustrates why traffic problems in our city, and country, are rather more complicated than elsewhere. There is such a variety of vehicles, motorized and non-motorized; two-, three- and four-wheelers jostling for the road, and amidst all the chaos, the hapless pedestrians, making their way too. I wish I'd been able to capture the bullock-cart that went past just before I clicked! For all the…

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While celebrating….

We like to celebrate Kannada Rajyotsava Day with many symbols, including the flag of the state... But when we do, it would be good to remember those for whom such symbols are not merely a matter of emotion, but are a way to make a living. I was happy to see only cloth flags being sold...I couldn't see any plastic ones!

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Once in a while our best laid plans go awry at the lake. For instance, from the time the lake was getting rejuvenated in early 2010, we had reserved a prime space for a Red-Silk Cotton tree (Bombax ceiba). It is deciduous but the flowers more than make up for the absence of leaves. The beautiful bright red flowers attract birds in hordes. They visit not just for the nectar but also for the water that collects in the cup like flower. But it seemed impossible to get a sapling. Finally, Mr. Ramachandran, a regular visitor to the lake got…

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Nothing will change in India, what is the point in protesting? WRONG. Let me tell you a success story from today. Around August of last year, #CitizensForBengaluru, my favourite (and my own :)) citizens movement started a campaign to establish Ward Committees in all 198 wards of Bengaluru. Sounds like Greek? Every ward in every city of India is meant to have a committee to help administer it, deliver ward works like street lights, good roads, garbage management and the like, and create and manage it's budget. This is mandated by the 74th Amendment of the Constitution. This committee, consisting…

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