
Last Friday, on Rajyotsava, Karnataka High Court justices N Kumar and B V Nagarathna, visited Bellandur Ward apartments Divyashree Elan and Springfields. This was part of a tour of various Solid Waste Management facilities in the city, including Koramangala's Kasa Rasa, Dry Waste Segregation Centre, Karnataka State Composting Corporation (KCDC) etc. They were accompanied by BBMP Commissioner Lakshminarayana, former BBMP chief Siddhaiah and many other officials. Judges Kumar and Nagarathna inspecting a composting facility. Pic: Meera K This visit was related to the SWM PIL currently underway, so the learned judges could understand the situation on the ground and get…

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My main long-term aim with growing vegetables, as with most other home gardeners, is to be self-sustainable and not need to buy anything much from the vegetable market. Though I have a way to go for achieving this, there are days when all the dishes on the tables have vegetables only from my terrace or my patch from Green Thumbs; and that is such a thrilling feeling for me J.   I spoke about sowing winged beans in an earlier post, so I thought I must share a pic of my harvest as well: Pic courtesy: Jyothi Vaidyanathan Last week…

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I am off for Diwali. Every year, we chose to spend Diwali in the lap of nature and pass up on the revelry in the city. This suits us and our dogs best. But for those of you who are going to be in the thick of all the celebrations, it is time to remember that Diwali is potentially a very stressful time for dogs. In my last two posts I wrote about the effects of stress on your dogs and how your dog may express it. Today, before I take off, I want to leave you with some tips…

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About two years ago, I said to a few young people that 'if you do the following seven things EVERY WEEK without fail for the next FULL YEAR for only A FEW MINUTES A DAY, you'll be so successful you'll never have to worry too much about your career and other things. I'm not sure if any of them is trying it out, but this morning in some other context I was reminded of this. I call these the seven 4-letter words that guarantee success. Keep in mind, you must do this EVERY WEEK, no exceptions (health issues apart). You…

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In my last post I spoke of what stress is. In this post I want to describe how a dog could react under stress. We have often heard of the “flight or fight” response to fear or stress. In dogs there are actually, at least 4 responses to fear – Fight, Flight, Freeze and Fiddle. In this blog I want to describe each of these. Flight: This is the easiest response to recognise as fear. We see a dog running away, with it’s tail tucked between it’s legs and we know it’s fear. During Diwali, it’s not unheard of for…

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I’m so glad to get back to this space after a long hiatus, my excuse being that I was first on holiday and then just recovering from that holiday and settling down back home J. Before I go back to sharing more about my personal gardening experiences and harvests, I wanted to share an event that I am very excited about attending. The Urban Krishi Mela is being organized in the GKVK campus at Hebbal, as a partnership between the University of Agricultural Sciences (U.A.S.) and Garden City Farmers (GCF) that is the NGO behind the Organic Terrace Gardening group…

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Diwali always brings back fond childhood memories of buying new clothes, bursting crackers and the house filled with the yummy aromas of various sweets and savouries being made at home. Preparations for Diwali would start a week or two in advanceand the goodies stored in boxes for eating and distributing among friends and families during the festival. The more we gave the more sweets and other goodies that we got back in return. Though this happened just once a year, by the end of the festive season we got to the point of having an overload of sweets. These days,…

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Diwali is almost upon us and as most of us are aware, dogs’ stress levels shoot through the roof during this period. So this month I am going to dig deep into all my education that had to do with stress in dogs and put forth every bit of information that might help you help your dogs. To handle stress, we first need to understand stress. Obviously, the first question is “What is stress?” In very simple terms, it’s the body’s mechanism to cope with danger. This mechanism is activated either when danger is perceived or even anticipated. Hence, even…

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Sumeet Moghe writes: Bangalore City Police needs to answer - How long is the lunch break at a police station?I'm just back from a thoroughly unprofessional experience at MICO layout police. This is with regard to my passport verification. The constable had arrived at my home on Saturday and after taking my neighbour's signatures, asked me to visit the police station with a list of documents and 3 passport size photos between 10AM and 6PM. I visited the police station at 1420 today. There was no one in Room #1 when I arrived and there was one more person waiting to get…

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