
Citizens for Bengaluru is extremely disappointed and shocked at the final list of ward committees that have been announced. After the outrage of the initial list, we expected more citizen-centric and inclusive committees but that has been rendered false. There is now incontrovertible proof that ward committees have been largely composed through nepotism and the family-chela network. Even a casual perusal of the lists shows clearly that husbands of various female corporators, and party workers have been selected instead of active citizens. Please see attached images with just a few of our observations. While CfB led a mass RTI filing…

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We went on a nature/birding walk to Kalena Agrahara on 15th July, 2017, and skirted the lake at IDBI Bank Layout. I was amazed to see several Nano cars parked, and rusting in the monsoon weather. There must have been about sixty of the cars, parked all around. At a conservative estimate of Rs.2 lakhs per car, that's Rs. 80 lakhs just wasting away. I finally found this banner, saying that these cars apparently belong to this rental initiative: The problem in our country seems to be, not lack of good initiatives, but keeping up with them. I have tried…

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...Mostly, without any courtesy, is my sad answer. I do not own a car, and use public transportation (read buses...the Metro is yet to be within useful reach for me). I know that senior citizens are entitled to a 25% discount on all BMTC fares, except on Vayu Vajra (presumably, the assumption is that if I can afford to take a flight or even visit the airport, I can pay the full fare!). I also know that there are two seats reserved each for women and men senior citizens. However, over the two-plus years that I have been using the…

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“The heaviest penalty for declining to rule is to be ruled by someone inferior to yourself.” - Plato Many of us believed in the court orders that asked BBMP Commissioner to form the ward committees and avoid undue influence of corporators.  Nearly 600 applications have been submitted by ordinary citizens  - about 190 of them coming through our efforts of soliciting nominations for active citizens and then impressing upon them to submit an application. There wasn't any application format or process that anyone knew of , but we were repeatedly assured by the commissioner himself that we should encourage more…

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Before boarding a plane in Seattle that would eventually bring me to Bengaluru I was told about everything I would see while here. I was told over and over how different India is from my home country and how culture shocked I would be. Some of the most said statements included “if you hit a cow you’ll go to jail,” “dogs everywhere,” “don’t eat street food no matter how appetizing it looks,” “everything is so colorful,” “you will not be able to handle how spicy the food is,” “people will stare at you,” and “it’ll be hot.” While there is…

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Every now and then, a glimpse into lives very different from our own, brings us up sharply against alternate realities. I am used to the notion of auto drivers as rough, rude people who will generally not co-operate with passengers. This preconception got a jolt when I noticed this man driving his autorickshaw in the traffic.   It cannot be an easy life when your own mobility depends on a pair of crutches. I realized that this man, and many others like him, battle many disadvantages to earn their living. I have learnt to try and remove my prejudices, and…

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With the greatest respect to the Minister of Sericulture and Animal Husbandry, GH Krumbiegel was my great grandfather, I am only an interloper in Bengaluru I do however have his passion for trees and my profession is also architecture it's very important for me to try and protect his legacy for future generation of Bengaluru and indeed my grandchildren Things have to change for any country to progress as I understand the citizens are not against the new hospital site; top architects have already come forward willing to work pro bono with the existing plans (so no new permission will be needed…

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Did you notice that someone fixed that black spot on your way to work and it now looks nice with a little bench and simple art that makes the place walkable and pleasant on the eyes? Did you come across pictures on social media of people sweating it out and cleaning lakes on a Sunday morning? Do you know someone that teaches and helps out in the local government school? Did you notice there was a massive protest to save trees on Jayamahal road and a thousand people got on the streets? Did you know local residents were filing RTIs,…

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We often wonder what happens to the Rs 750 crores of rupees spent by the corporation every year just for garbage management. We wonder why the potholes appear so quickly and the storm water drains became garbage canals while the annual city budget is upwards of Rs9000 crores. We often see big announcements of projects that will make a remarkable improvement to our city, the garbage situation and some amazing technology to 'quick fix' the potholes etc etc. but most of these do not seem to translate to the city we experience every day. Our city government, aka Corporation,  BBMP,…

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The problems of caring for oneself in one's old age are not just limited to finding a good old age home and settling in there. Senior living is probably the most pleasant part of one's "golden" years; when one is in good health, when one can afford to invest in a senior home or facility, and can still manage one's finances. With old age, however, comes illness which is often chronic. When repeated illness strikes, one may need geriatric nursing care. When physical illness escalates, or when mental illness supervenes, one may reach a point when one can no longer…

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