Deepa's Jottings

If you have a little time to spare, do visit Bannerghatta National Park...and the Butterfly Park there. Admission is Rs.10, which is really worth it. Here's the Butterfly Park signboard:Bannerghatta National Park - Butterfly Park signboard (Pic: Deepa Mohan)The dome of the Park itself is a beautiful construction, with the lush greenery inside:Dome of the Butterfly Park (Pic: Deepa Mohan)And here are a few butterflies that I snapped inside:The COMMON MORMON MALE:Common Mormon Male Butterfly (Pic: Deepa Mohan)The PIERROT:Pierrot Butterfly (Pic: Deepa Mohan)The COMMON COASTER :Common Coaster Butterfly (Pic: Deepa Mohan)The BLUE MORMON:Blue Mormon Butterfly (Pic: Deepa Mohan)However, I feel…

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Familiar or New?

Every classical music artiste faces, I think, the same dilemma after having finished the "AlApanai" of the rAgam. Will the audience be in a mood to listen carefully to the structure and lyrics of a new keertanam? New kritis need to be introduced every now and then; the Trinity, though they are the pillars of Carnatic music, need to give way, occasionally, to the dozens of other talented composers who are creating beautiful songs of their own. But new songs have to be introduced to the listening public now and then; only then do the many talented composers who create…

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All autos in Bangalore have things written on them; names of family members, loved ones, cinema idols, or at least the names of various cars that the auto-drivers hope their vehicles are like!So I was rather surprised to see a national AND parochial message on this auto:Though it is in Kannada script, it says, phonetically, "I love India...I like Mandya"!Good to know that as well as being a patriotic Indian, he likes the sugar belt of Karnataka, too, and finds enough sweetness in the fact to have it painted on his auto....Though this particular auto whizzed past too fast for…

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