Deepa's Jottings

I received the monthly update from Max Mueller Bhavan (Goethe Institut) and it was heartwarming to see this announcement:Inauguration of the new Solar Roof4.30 p.m. on November 20thWe are proud to announce a unique initiative - the installation of a photo-voltaic system on the roof of the Bhavan - one step forward in the movement towards conservation of scarce resources and utilisation of renewable energy. The implications of this project, executed by IBC Solar under the Solar Roof Project India of dena, the German Energy Agency (Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH), are expected to radiate far beyond the walls of the Institute!The…

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Yesterday evening, we watched this sudden termite swarm in Indira Nagar...We saw the termites flying in their hundreds, around the street lamps:I tried to get them against the light, but only got this image: Nabeel Mohamed, another person intrigued by the swarming, was trying to capture the image of the termites coming out of the ground on his mobile phone camera:You can see the hundreds of non-winged grubs as well if you look closely:Karthik had told me about these termites, so I decided to look it up on the net, and here's some info about termite swarms: one two and…

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Kannada and English…

Here's a message I found on an auto recently:It seems to imply that the person patronizing this service is...a female horse....!But it's actually the Kannada-ization of the emphasis on the word customer... (phonetically, "customer-Ey")Messages like these really add spice to the humdrum's another romantic message on another auto.... That says, "the mind is full of you"....wonder which lucky damsel the auto guy was thinking of! ⊕

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Today, the 17th of October, Ranga Shankara organized a press conference to talk about the upcoming Theatre Festival, which will run from 31st October to 9th November 2008. There will be plays, documentaries, solo performances by veteran thespians, and two plays specially commissioned by Ranga Shankara, along with Vodafone. The presentation was as well executed as any theatre production, with veterans like Paramashivanna and Jayashree rendering beautiful songs.The Golden Era of Kannada theatre was aptly evoked:Both Arundhati Nag and Girish Karnad who are directors of the Sanket Trust, spoke to the reporters, and harked back to the age when Kannada…

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As I walked to the market one evening, my attention was drawn by this van:It seemed to be a novel initiative to sell organic rice, and seemed to make a lot of other claims besides (free of dust!) I spoke to the driver, who said that his "owners" (he couldn't, or wouldn't, give me their names!) told him on the mobile phone where to deliver the rice, how much to sell, and so on.Perhaps readers would like to try this out? ⊕

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Beauty on sale….

Sometimes, the sheer beauty of the wares on sale at pavement stalls stops one in one's tracks...amongst the plastic and the tawdry stuff, sometimes one comes across some jewels.Those are woodcuts, meant to be used for either block-printing, or for making rangoli or mehendi...but except for the paisley patterns, each one is unique!Each was five rupees...a pittance for such artistic work! ⊕

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The “Kadle Puri” shop

In Jayanagar 9th block, in the market area, is one of many innumerable shops; this one sells various types of puffed rice and fried lentils....The proprietor (who did not want to give his name..."yaake?" he queried dismissively, when I asked!) says he has a very regular clientele. "Not everyone wants to buy everything in five minutes in those big shops," he shrugs. I noticed that he did exchange a few words with most of the people who came to shop.The rate list of the various kinds of puffed rice and lentils are clearly displayed, and has been updated thanks to…

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In J P Nagar today, BSNL was conducting a Telephone Mela, with both new connections, mobile phones and internet connections being offered at a considerable discount.Here's the sign:Another view of the shamiana:The place was abuzz with people, and the staff were extremely courteous and helpful.Here are some of them, including Ms. Nagarathnamma (fittingly, speaking on the telephone), whom I have personally found very capable and helpful on several occasions:What a difference from the days when one had to make huge deposits, and wait several years for a telephone connection! It is good to see Government agencies being so proactive. I…

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The bows of Indra….

I had been to Barcamp7 at IIM-B, and participated in a freewheeling discussion on finding accomodation in Bangalore, along with Meera. On the way out, simultaneous sunshine and showers brought out this beautiful double rainbow against the African Tulips and the Sampige trees.I was moved to pen these lines:You're feeling down and out.You feel old.There's a storm about.You feel cold.The storm clouds mass;the showers come to pass.Suddenly, in the shrouds of grey rainclouds--A rainbow in the sky! No...there are two!Science can tell you why....but whoWants to know why? Do you?A rainbow is like life:Full of both happiness and strife.When there…

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