The state of policing in India’s most ‘liveable city’

Ameen Ahmed writes from his  home near Hebbal :

I get a frantic call during a critically important meeting with a client in south Bengaluru, by my wife taking care of our child suffering from another bout of asthma for the past two days, alone at home about 2 hours away in North Bengaluru. Apparently a bunch of armed policemen, all but one in civilian clothing, behaving more like gangsters of a B-grade Bollywood flick were forcing their way into our home around 4:20PM today (Fri., 19 Feb. ’15).

Trying to piece the information collected from the building’s security guards, I find that they were acting at the behest of a stranger claiming to be one Mr. Shariff of Umrah Builders, whose 16 year old daughter has apparently been ‘kidnapped’ (or has eloped with a boy as some claim). The cops along with this man claiming to be Mr. Shariff while forcing their way into the residential complex tell the guards and the Residents’ Association members (whom they assaulted) that they suspect only the two Muslim families residing in the apartment society, of all the 60 homes in it. It was only when I questioned on phone the man apparently in uniform, who identified himself as a Police Inspector, if he had a search warrant and if a police woman accompanied him to enter my house did he realise whom he was against and chickened away.

Fortunately the acts of these thugs posing as policemen were caught on the CCTVs. My wife submitted a written complaint against these unidentified men posing as policemen to the nearby Kodigehalli Police Station, who were helpful. The local Kodigehalli Police also informed us that none of their staff visited our apartment complex today. Meanwhile I have uploaded a small clip of this man in uniform on YouTube, if you happen to recognise him please message me on FB or email me at, it will help us in getting him reported to the Commissioner of Police, Bengaluru as well as the State Human Rights Commission.

Please  watch the security CCTV video:

How can we save ourselves from this kind of terriifying incidents in the future?


  1. skeptic says:

    ‘@Ameen Ahmed
    If you are able to find these thugs who misused their ‘official’ status, I hope you will make sure that an example is made out of them. Since people in power use such people for their own ends, these thugs in uniform normally are never prosecuted. (And this happens even in the “land of liberty” ).

  2. Abraham Isaac says:

    Why do you call Bangalore the most liveable city? My experience tells me that there are better places in India. Bangalore is dangerous, corrupt& polluted

  3. Deepa Mohan says:

    The words are in inverted commas..does that convey anything to you Mr Abraham Isaac?

  4. Sriram Narayanaswamy says:

    The police are unfortunately under the complete control of their political masters. There is very little hope of this changing without the implementation of reforms recommended by the Police Reforms commission. But no party except AAP(Congress, BJP, SP, BSP, ADMK, DMK, TMC, NCP, Shiv Sena whatever) has agreed to it because they stand to lose power.

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