See if you can take up this green spot challenge!

No more black spots - let there be green spots. With this challenge, you will make the planet greener with a lot less landfills.

“Compost, grow and cook” is the new slogan of Solid Waste Management Round Table (SWMRT). The voluntary organisation from Bengaluru has invited people to take a pledge to keep one week’s wet waste away from the landfills by taking part in Green spot challenge.

To be a part of the campaign, all you have to do is simple. Start a green spot in the house premises and compost the wet waste generated at home.

A website was launched on the Republic Day, January 26th, 2016, to share information with people who are interested to take up the initiative. The campaign deals with three aspects – compost, grow and cook. According to the organisers, objective of Swacha Graha is to motivate people to start composting in their house premises and avoid mixing wet waste with other landfill waste.

“It seeks more than a million pledges and aims at more than a million homes starting the green spot, to compost, grow, cook. Swacha Graha is a vibrant city wide campaign seeking to create a movement through a collaborative approach between civil society organisations, citizens, institutions, corporate and the government to face the urban crisis,” the organisers say in the press note.

To start Swacha Graha at home, one has to follow following three steps:

Write to the Swacha Graha team to register or to get more info

  • Compost: Put your vegetable and fruit peels daily into the appropriate compost bin and let nature take over.
  • Grow: Using the compost, grow your own safe and healthy greens. Urban farming is catching up in Bengaluru. It is a great way to relax and reconnect with nature.
  • Cook: Your garden decides your menu. It could be as simple as garnishing your salad with home grown greens or harvesting the bounty of beans, tomatoes from the home garden and serving a meal for the entire family.

Presenting the green spot story, SWMRT team challenges the notion that composting is a difficult and dirty process and the organic waste has to be thrown out or disposed off every day. Composting is a cleaner option than leaving mixed waste in a bin. “Imagine a million homes with a million green spots. It would be a green revolution of another kind. You can stand tall for your green spot home, your clean city and the health of your family.”

To convert the organic waste into compost at home, people can make use of the composting kits available in the market. SWMRT is showing a variety of one week composting challenge kits on their website including the option to build a DIY (Do it Yourself) kit.

Vani Murthy, one of the most active campaigners for home composting in the city says, “One must have a clear awareness and understanding of the reasons and implications on why and how we can live and sustain leading a healthy life. Our new campaign Swacha Graha is a vibrant, ideal connect with the citizens of Bengaluru to compost and grow in their own space, giving 100 percent safe food.”

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