whitefield rising

Members of the Whitefield Rising group with the Namma Bengaluru award We gave no consent and we got awarded for that! You read that right. On March 14th, Whitefield Rising won the Namma Bengaluru Foundation award for disagreeing and sometimes being disagreeable! Strange, isn’t it? Read on to find out why. We all agree that the state of affairs around us is, putting it mildly, not good. Child rape, sewage in the lakes, garbage on the streets, inequality in our society and many more civic and humanitarian issues. As Ela Bhatt says, this is 'violence to our own with the consent of state and…

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Namma Bengaluru Awards - 2014 winners. Pic: Namma Bengaluru Foundation It was yet again a time to celebrate the citizen heroes of Bengaluru. At a function held on March 14th 2015 at Shalini Grounds, Jayanagar, 5th Block to award Namma Bengaluru Awards, the spirit of citizenship and united Bengaluru soared high. The 6th Edition of Namma Bengaluru Awards had 14 categories in which people from multiple facilities were selected as heroes. Kathyayini Chamaraj, trustee of CIVIC, also writes for Citizen Matters received Namma Bengalurean of the year award, for her relentless pursuing of civic issues such as ward committee rules,…

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Come February 22nd, the Whitefield community will come together to celebrate green living at the 9th edition of the Green Bazaar in Bengaluru. Called ‘Eco Habba’, the event will be a commemoration of all that is ‘green’ about Whitefield. Date: February 22nd Time: 7 am to 7 pm Venue: Herbs & Spices Restaurant, Opp. Vijaya Bank, Whitefield Click here for event details. A press note from The Alternative says water warriors, kitchen gardeners, voluntary traffic wardens, tree huggers, compost conquerors, spot-fixers, lake-savers - all these local heroes will get together to inspire those people who are looking to be inspired. Considering the many…

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Taking Stock So much has been done. Over the coming days, we will share a series of newsletters focused on a topic or two at a time so we don't overwhelm you in one annual review :). In summary however, its been a year of phenomenal citizen engagement. It is only when we pause a moment and look back can we see how far we have come. All this work however, brings us only to Base Camp. The climb will begin now and we are ready for it. Stay current with all the happennings via our blogposts at www.whitefieldrising.org as…

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Someone in your apartment complex has collapsed. You suspect it is a cardiac arrest and have called for an ambulance. However, you know that the ambulance is going to take a while to arrive, considering the traffic. You also know that the victim needs timely help. What can you do now? When an individual suffers a cardiac arrest, this is what happens within his body: His heart has unexpectedly and suddenly stopped functioning. This prevents the effective supply of blood, and therefore oxygen to his brain. This also causes him to lose consciousness and stop breathing. If untreated, the lack…

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Graphite India, present in Whitefield, processes graphite daily in huge quantities which releases a large amount of fine graphite soot into the atmosphere. This is fine enough for it to not be very visible, yet is breathed by, not just the Graphite India employees, but, all the daily commuters, residents and businesses around the vicinity of Graphite India. And with ITPL and other business parks in the area, daily commuters are ever increasing (with the current numbers close to almost 1.2 Lakhs per day using the road in front of Graphite India). All these citizens are exposed to this soot.…

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Checking the zonal map of Whitefield area can help finding out some violations. Courtesy: clearvalue.in To understand why some of the confusions arise and why getting Khata is not easy sometimes, knowing the background is important. Here is some backround to the whole issue. Till the late nineties, if I remember correctly, Whitefield was a Gram Panchayat. The administration of Gram Panchayats is governed by the Karnataka Panchayat Raj Act 1993. Under this Act, the Panchayats are also empowered to collect property taxes. For this purpose, Whitefield Gram Panchayat used to maintain Khata registers. Older residents of Whitefield have copies…

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Let me not write a sentence more than this one, over the daily traffic jam at Kundalahalli Gate, near Whitefiel - Bengaluru: If you are reading this, you know it’s bad.    The good news is that the BBMP is about to launch an ambitious project to not just construct an underpass at Kundalahalli Gate, but also to make signal-free the entire road between Vallara Junction and Hope Farm.    Aha, great — you say. But what about the situation during construction? How do we get in and out of Whitefield when there’ll be a massive pit in the ground…

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Report received from Arvind Keerthi At the tree-planting event at Munnekolala Lake (14th June 1014), it took a hundred+ volunteers less than two hours to set in soil 250 saplings! We are pleased by the unstinted support shown by the BBMP, whose Chief Engineer (Lakes) Shri B. V. Satish and Conservator of Forests, Shri Jagannatha Rao were in attendance, and indeed made possible the entire exercise. The BBMP was of course not the only wind at our backs - citizen-volunteers from the Munnekolala Lake Rejuvenation Association (MLRA), as well as United Way of Bengaluru tirelessly planned and executed the work…

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When a resident of Whitefield in Bengaluru, Anjali Saini, asked the road diggers on the streets of Whitefield to show the permission by the BBMP, she never knew what it will lead to. What she was shown was a permission given to Vodafone by BBMP, which had many pages filled with various clauses. She found many violations to the terms mentioned in the letter. There was neither any barrricade, nor any warning lights or signage in the spot where the work was progressing. There was no indication of when the work would begin or close. The excess excavated mud which…

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