
If you love nature, like walking among trees and flowers, and want to know more about our green heritage, this is the walk for you. If you know absolutely nothing about trees or nature, you will find this walk fun and eye-opening. It is hot and sunny these days and we are constantly looking out for shade under some TREE be it while walking or parking the car...  but, how much do we actually know about the trees in our very own neighbourhood?? Do we ever spend time with our kids outdoors, close to nature, in contact with soil and…

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From: angarika@maraa.in 2 manhole cleaners suffocated to death in Bangalore recentlyArmed with a bottle and a stick, a man descends: into the dark sulfurous depths of the city. Vanishing acts, made possible by the labour of workers who live and die below the surface. This man, we call the “scavenger”.Join us on 11th Oct for a walk, along the Chambers of Ward 88. To lift the lid and see who lurks beneath. The walk is olfactory. The walk is a provocation. The walk is a call to introspect. This walk will be guided by Angarika Guha and Ekta Mittal as part of Horaata,…

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Bosch Volunteers at the lake Saturday, 22nd June 2013The volunteers who come to work at the lake have always impressed us with their dedication and hard labour. The group of 30 Bosch employees who came to Puttenahalli Lake this past Saturday was no less. After a brief introduction and welcome, they set to work in two teams as planters and diggers.    The planters had a short stretch of flower bed in which to plant Lantana. Nupur guided them on how to take out the plant out of the pot with its roots intact, planting it in the pit and packing the…

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Vinay Sreenivasa, <vinay.sreenivasa@yahoo.com>, writes: Dear all,   In the month of May, we at Hasiru Usiru started what we hope will be a monthly series of conversations on the city. Dr.H.S.Sudhira spoke about Averting the Tragedy of Commons for Bangalore  (http://bengaluru.citizenmatters.in/articles/5299-hasiru-usiru-analyses-the-tragedy-of-commons)    This month, we want to do a walking talk.    On June 22, Saturday, Arun Kumar.N, Narayan and Sheshadri, passionate botanists and tree lovers will conduct a tree walk in Lalbagh. The walk will have discussions on the varous species of trees in Lalbgah, how to identify them, whether they are native or have been got in from elsewhere, what…

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Do you know how much of the pollution in the world is caused by cars? Some studies put that at 40%. As a result, some across the globe have chosen to observe 22nd September as World Car Free Day. ESAF, a Bangalore based not-for-profit organization that is campaigning to make the city a child friendly one, decided to do its bit to create awareness on the advantage of not using cars. On the 21st, the NGO has planned to distribute handbills along with 2 English and 1 Kannada newspapers to persuade car users to consider taking public transport. "Some friends…

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Here's a nice image of the past and the present, juxtaposed...This was right next to Ranga Shankara, where I had gone to watch the end-of-workshop presentation that the children were doing for their parents and others. The mural is of a Yakshagana artiste, with his colourful headgear.... a popular art form in the past. The present is the increased pace of life, represented by the automobile. This car is the Maruti 800, which truly brought car ownership to the masses in India.And what happens when the past, and the present, inevitably, melt into the future? Here's what will take one…

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For a long time, I had been wanting to participate in the campaign against street sexual harassment (aka eve teasing) by Blank Noise. Finally, last Sunday (Aug-5) afternoon I joined the fortnightly action - this time on Church Street and Brigade Road from 3 - 5 pm. 5 of us reached out to around 150 pedestrians from different age, occupational and socio-economic backgrounds while displaying wall and hand held posters in English and Kannada. Some roadside vendors helped us enthusiastically while 4-5 male/female police personnel, taxi drivers and building security guards agreed with the prevalence of the issue and the message…

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