road accidents

Ashwin, 27, an IT employee. Sharmila, 38, teacher. Khurshid Ahmed, 65, madrassa teacher and vendor. Tasdik Bushra, 19, MBBS student. These four Bengaluru citizens have only one thing in common--they all lost their lives recently due to potholes and poorly-maintained roads. In many cases, the victims were thrown off their two-wheelers, or hit/run over by other vehicles when they swerved to avoid potholes. According to a report in the Hindustan Times, Bengaluru was the city to register the maximum such cases (18) in 2020, as per data from the NCRB (National Crime Records Bureau). With a series of such incidents…

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At least one pedestrian life in Hyderabad was lost every other day in 2019.   In total, 602 pedestrians lost their lives on the roads of Hyderabad between 2017 and 2019. More than half of them (52.4%) were hit by vehicles while crossing the road. A few others were victims of road crashes as they went about their morning walk, or while waiting for a bus or other modes of transport by the side of the road. And at least 14 children, all under 10 years of age, got hit by vehicles while playing by the roadside during this period.  The…

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On August 24, five months after Cubbon Park was made traffic-free, the Horticulture Department said that traffic would be allowed here again. This was despite BBMP passing the traffic-free Cubbon Park proposal on June 30 and the impassioned appeals of citizen groups like Heritage Beku. For years, activists have been striving for a pedestrian-friendly Bengaluru but evidence suggests there is a long way to go. With its ill-equipped infrastructure for pedestrians, Bengaluru has the third-highest number of pedestrian fatalities among the top eight Indian metros. Pedestrian injuries and fatalities also account for the majority of road accidents in the city.…

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It was declared open with much fanfare on November 4, 2019 by K T Rama Rao, Minister for Municipal Administration and Urban Development (MA&UD). But the newly built uni-directional flyover connecting DivyaSree Orion to Biodiversity junction (popularly known as Biodiversity Park flyover) had to be shut down within a month following two accidents on the flyover resulting in three deaths. One horrific accident happened on November 23rd, when a driver failed to negotiate a curve and skidded off the flyover. The car crashed to the ground 20 metres below, crushing to death a hapless bystander and injuring six others standing…

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As responsible citizens, we need to realize that safe driving is in the interest of each of us, and our safety is not the responsibility of the government or of anyone else. The sooner we accept this fact, the better. Earlier this year, the Motor Vehicles Amendment Act 2019 was passed by the government with a view to strengthening road safety. The new law sets out much harsher penalties for violation of traffic rules, but even after that we see newspaper headlines on accidents across the country almost every other day. Many of these could have been clearly avoided if…

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Co-authored by Dattatraya T Devare and Saurabh Ketkar It is not news that urban Indian roads are a nightmare, and Bangalore is perhaps in the contention for winning the award for the worst traffic scenario. But one needs to dig deeper to find the root of the problem. Our streets are extremely unequal, in more ways than one. The streets of our city are perhaps the most democratic of spaces we can envision. Protests against governments, demands of minority groups, gay pride parades all find expression on the streets. It is the one space that every citizen can share with…

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On July 23rd, Lok Sabha passed the Motor Vehicles (Amendment) Bill 2019 during the budget session of parliament. Speaker Om Birla declared the bill passed, based on a voice vote in the house. The Bill, tabled by Union Minister for Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari, seeks to amend the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988. It introduces stringent norms for acquiring a driving license, and strict penalties for traffic violations, in an effort to reduce road mishaps and deaths in the country. Once the Bill is considered and passed by the Rajya Sabha, and signed by the President, it would become…

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Karnataka first state to pass Good Samaritan Bill The Karnataka Good Samaritan and Medical Professional (Protection and Regulation during Emergency Situations) Bill 2016 has finally got President Ram Nath Kovind’s assent for implementation in the state. Home ministry officials confirmed the news to the media on Sunday. The act relieves citizens who act as ‘Good Samaritans’ during road-accidents, providing timely help to victims, from all legal obligations including appearances at police stations or courts. Bystanders to accidents don’t need to produce identity proof at the hospital and can withhold consent to act as witnesses, thus preventing harassment for the good deed…

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In our article on monetary compensation available to victims of road accidents, we had mentioned the Solatium Fund, constituted under the Solatium Scheme, under Section 163 (1) of the Motor Vehicles Act 1988, for the payment of compensation to victims of hit and run motor accidents. This came into force with effect from July 1989. Below is a round-up of its most salient features, and the details of the procedure for claiming compensation under it. How is the Fund administered? Contributions to the Fund are made by the General Insurance Corporation according to an agreed formula and the latter nominates one…

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Hoskote. East Bengaluru. March 22, 2016. The case of 22-year-old Kishore Kumar, whose bike was hit by an unidentified vehicle and who was turned away by two private hospitals in the city, was reported by several local media. The first hospital reportedly refused treatment to the victim, as he was unaccompanied by family members or any persons known to him and had been taken to the hospital by a good samaritan. Cut to a year later. On March 17, 2017, The Indian Express reported the case of Sunil Patra who was critically injured when a truck rammed into his motorcycle…

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