It is strange that in an age where technology has connected people in a wide variety of ways that we seem so disconnected as citizens. This disconnection becomes the challenge of our society. Though we have immediate access to tons of information we seem incapable of finding commonsense solutions to the problems we face. The culture and context of our communities need to be reestablished-(Roberts, 2006).As technologists and organizations, we create many civic tools. But sadly most of it ends of up remaining with organizations or a specific group of people and is never put to use by others. RHoK…
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You and every citizen frustrated by potholed roads, air pollution, garbage—in short our broken cities.
Citizen Matters is India’s leading Civic Media Platform. We dig into the “why” and “how” behind issues plaguing our cities and neighbourhoods—and spotlight solutions. But we go further. We focus on citizens driving change and their strategies and bring you a playbook for better cities.
Through Citizen Matters, Open City and other initiatives, we centre the demand for better cities and empower citizens to drive change.
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