Folk music holds its unique place in India's rich cultural diversity. Folk songs talk about relationships, the challenges encountered by people every day and philosophical questions about life. Let's look at popular folk music genres from different parts of the country. Lavani The word derived from Lavanya meaning beautiful refers to the popular folk music which originated in Maharashtra. The dance that accompanies the music is known as Tamasha. Here is a famous lavani by Sulochana Chavan Bhavageethe heard in Karnataka is poetry expressed in musical form. Here is a bhavageethe of the famous Kannada poet Kuvempu sung by actor…
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When a musician receives an award, it's a recognition for his or her contribution to the art form. Cultural organizations across the world institute awards to recognize outstanding talents in the field. I've listed a few below that are considered top awards in the music world. Sangita Kalanidhi award is the most prestigious award given to a Carnatic musician every year by the Music Academy in Chennai. The award consists of a gold medal and a birudu (badge resembling a medal). This year's recipient is vocalist Sanjay Subrahmanyam Here is a snippet from a concert of Sanjay Subrahmanyam at Cleveland,…
Read moreOne of the definitions of an entertainer is someone who holds the attention of the audience by doing something amusing or diverting. Lets look at some popular musicians whose unique stage acts entertained their audiences yet never detracted the listeners from enjoying the music. Madurai Somasundaram or Madurai Somu as he was referred to was a Carnatic musician. When he presented Tamil compositions during a concert he brought tears to the listeners eyes. While singing a song he would suddenly chant the word "Gurunatha" or "Muruga", his favourite God. Moved by the lyrics of the songs, he would sometimes break…
Read moreOne of the simplest ways to identify and appreciate a classical raga is by listening to multiple songs in the raga by different artistes. Raga Darbari Kanada is an offshoot of the Kanada family (Carnatic). It is believed to have been imported from the Carnatic genre into the Hindustani style of music by legendary musician Tansen. The raga creates a deep emotional impact on the soul and is often taught to students at a later stage in their training. This raga is presented in the latter half of Carnatic concerts through light classical pieces. Hindustani musicians sing this raga late…
Read moreBB King, one of the legendary musicians of the Blues passed away yesterday. Why was he so popular? When his voice carressed and moaned on the microphone, you alternatively rejoiced and cried - the highs and the lows made you feel like you were swinging on a pendulum. The lyrics of the song were not just mere words but much more than that. BB King took you on a journey where you lost track of time and who you were. You felt bogged down by the problems of the world and felt the loss of a loved one. Here's a…
Read moreOne talks about Yashodha and her famous son Krishna in the same breadth. The stories that describe the relationship and interplay between this mother and son are well-known. There are several songs in different languages by famous composers centered around this theme that I had a hard time picking out a few. In the Kannada song Jagadhodharana, a composition of Purandaradasa in raga Hindustani Kapi, Yashodha only sees Krishna as her son - the same son who is a saviour of the world, a slayer of demons, a gem among children and much more. But to his mother, Krishna is…
Read moreWith Mother's Day coming up this week, I thought of several songs that featured the mother as a central theme. In his composition Mathe Malayathwaja in the Carnatic raga Khamas, Harikesanallur Muthiah Bhagavathar describes the daughter of the Pandya king - Meenakshi of Madurai. This "dharu varnam" is a unique piece as every chittaswara following the charanam (latter half of the varnam) has a sahitya and a sollakattu. It is heard in classical concerts as well as Bharatanatyam programs. Here is a rendition of this varnam by M.S.Subbalakshmi, In his song Amma Ravamma in raga Kalyani, Tyagaraja praises the Tulasi…
Read moreOur favourite event of the year is around the corner... Yes, we are talking about the Fête de la Musique! As each year, the celebration will take place on the weekend of June 21st. This time however, the event will be bigger with more venues across the city. As always, it is a free event, a huge gathering that celebrates music of all genres. We thus, rely entirely on the motivation of bands who would like to get together in the spirit of the festival, in celebration of music and all things music, and are willing to play for free on that…
Read moreAs the month of March rolls on, thousands of children across the country write the 10th and 12th board examinations. Its a time fraught with tension for students and their families. Music is known to be a great stress-buster. Here's a list of musical pieces that can help alleviete stress and keep the mind calm. Shanthamu Lekha This composition by Carnatic composer Tyagaraja is in raga Sama which is meditative in nature. Strings of Mohan Veena Nature has a calming effect on the human mind. Listen to how Pandit Vishwa Mohan Bhat soothes the soul with the strings of his instrument in…
Read moreI am always wary of reading books on music as I find most of them pedantic. The breadth of classical music can be a daunting subject for any writer. However some books stand out for me for their accessibility. Here are four such books. Encyclopedic and written in plain English Ludwig Pesch in his book "The Oxford Illustrated Companion to South Indian Classical Music" has written a well-researched and engaging read for carnatic music lovers. Whether it is cultural contexts of the music, technicalities of tala, complexities of instrumental music to anecdotal references and opinions of musicians, the book…
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