Fête de la Musique 2015: Call for Applications

Are you a musician in search of a stage? Send in your applications to be a part of an international celebration of music.

Our favourite event of the year is around the corner… Yes, we are talking about the Fête de la Musique!

As each year, the celebration will take place on the weekend of June 21st. This time however, the event will be bigger with more venues across the city. 

As always, it is a free event, a huge gathering that celebrates music of all genres. We thus, rely entirely on the motivation of bands who would like to get together in the spirit of the festival, in celebration of music and all things music, and are willing to play for free on that occasion. 

Along with our partners, we provide the stage and the visibility, the bands make the show and we all spend an unforgettable day. 

Application requirements 

Bands that are interested in participation should send their application before April 30th to communication.bangalore@afindia.org with the following information:

  • Name of the band
  • Music style
  • Number of people on stage
  • Links (videos, soundcloud, reviews etc.)
  • Tech rider

About Fête de la Musique

The Fête de la Musique was initiated in France in 1982, and has since then remarkably spread out around the world. This international event, dedicated to musical practice and live music in general, open to all kinds of audience, is really unique.

​Completely different from a music festival, the Fête de la Musique is above all a free popular fête, open to any participant (amateur or professional musicians) who wants to perform in it. This Music day allows the expression of all styles of music in a cheerful atmosphere. It aims at a large audience, working to popularise musical practice for young and not so young people from all social backgrounds. It gives an opportunity to communicate and share a very special moment through music.

Fête de la Musique – Worldwide Music Day is celebrated on every June 21st all over the world, according to each country’s cultural specificities. It federates various kinds of participants: educational structures, cultural centers, diplomatic networks, city councils, local authorities, ministries for culture, associations, artists, music professionals, music schools… Public and private organisers show, through this joint event, their desire to foster the visibility of the current artistic realities of their countries, and to enhance cultural exchanges. Click here for more details. 

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