GENRE: In Focus

Delhi's vibrant colours pale as the city gasps for air each winter. Pollution levels soar, with the AQI often exceeding 500. In 2015, the Delhi High Court dubbed the city a ‘gas chamber’ due to its escalating pollution, demanding urgent action from both State and Central governments. With the air quality dipping each year, Delhi implements various measures to combat this crisis. One is the odd-even rule, which the government tried for a few years with limited success.   This year, in response to rising pollution levels, the Graded Response Action Plan (GRAP) was enforced, introducing specific rules based on pollution…

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पवईच्या गजबजलेल्या फुटपाथवर एक ताडपत्रीने झाकलेले शेड रोज संध्याकाळी मुलांच्या किलबिलाटाने भरून जातं. 'सर्वांची लायब्ररी' ही जय भीम नगरातील फुटपाथवर राहणाऱ्या मुलांसाठी बनवलेली तात्पुरती अभ्यासिका आहे. इथे ते जवळच्या आयआयटी बॉम्बेच्या स्वयंसेवकांसोबत अभ्यास करण्यासाठी नियमितपणे येतात. ही अभ्यासिका इथे तीन महिन्यांपूर्वी सुरू करण्यात आली जेंव्हा जय भीम नगर वस्ती पाडली गेली आणि रहिवाशांना जबरदस्तीने तिथून हटवण्यात आले. ६०० च्या आसपास घरे असलेल्या या वस्तीतून बरेच रहिवासी इतरत्र स्थलांतरित झाले आहेत, परंतु सुमारे १५०-२०० कुटुंब अजूनही पाडलेल्या वस्तीच्या आसपासच्या रस्त्यावर राहत आहेत. "आम्हाला जाण्यासाठी कुठली ही जागा नाही , आम्ही इथेच राहू," असे शंकर, जय भीम नगरच्या एका रहिवाशाने  सांगितले. जय भीम नगर वस्ती, जी…

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Priyanshu Jain, an MBA student at Mudra Institute of Communications (MICA) in Ahmedabad, tragically lost his life in a road rage incident on November 11th. The 23-year-old was stabbed by Virendrasinh Padheriya, a head constable in the city, following an altercation. Padheriya, who has a criminal past, was later apprehended from Punjab. Priyanshu's family and friends are devastated by his death, and both his hometown of Meerut and citizens in Ahmedabad are demanding justice. A series of protests have been organised, including a silent march, a candlelight vigil, and a peaceful hunger strike. Pranav Jain, his cousin, describes Priyanshu as…

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In the previous part of this series, we reported on the demolition of the Jai Bhim Nagar settlements in Powai and delved into the legally dubious history of Hiranandani Gardens where they stood. On October 5th, the Powai police filed an FIR against officials of BMC's S ward, Hiranandani Group (HGP Community Pvt Ltd), and four associates on the recommendation of the Bombay High Court for conducting unauthorised demolitions in Jai Bhim Nagar. The charges against the accused include criminal conspiracy, public servant framing an incorrect document with intent to cause injury, and furnishing false information among others.  About 100-150 families…

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A tarp-covered shed on a busy sidewalk in Powai lights up every evening with the cacophony of children. The ‘sabki library’ is a makeshift after-school space for the children of Jai Bhim Nagar living on the sidewalk, where they show up diligently to study with volunteers from nearby IIT Bombay.  The library was set up there over three months ago, soon after the Jai Bhim Nagar settlement was demolished, and its residents forcibly evicted. While many residents from the 600-odd homes have shifted elsewhere since then, about 150-200 families still live on the streets surrounding the demolished slum. “We have…

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17,422 metric tonnes per day — that's the staggering amount of trash the Greater Chennai Corporation (GCC) will generate in 30 years. Currently, Chennai produces 6,143 metric tonnes of waste daily, which adds to the growing piles in Kodungaiyur and Perungudi dump yards. Like many other major cities, GCC is struggling to find a sustainable solution for waste management and has proposed a Waste-To-Energy (WTE) plant. However, the experiences of cities like Delhi are testimony to the significant environmental and health impacts of WTE plants. A recent The New York Times investigative report on the Delhi WTE reveals: "The government…

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Scorching heat waves, devastating floods, a yearly increase in temperature, high AQI levels, Mumbai has seen it all over the past few decades, with no sign that the vagaries of climate will let up anytime soon. If the island city is to weather the storm of climate change, it requires a concrete map to navigate the next couple of decades. The Mumbai Climate Action Plan (MCAP), created by the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC) with the World Resources Institute (WRI) as a knowledge partner, is such a map. In 2020, Mumbai became a part of the global C40 network, pledging  a…

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In October 2021 Prime Minister Narendra Modi had declared a plan to make Indian cities garbage-free under Swachh Bharat Mission-Urban 2.0,  with the Government of India allocating Rs. 3,400 crore to Maharashtra for the implementation of the  Swachh Bharat Mission. According to the Environment Status Report (ESR) for 2022-23, released by the Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation, Mumbai generated 6330 metric tonnes (MT) of waste per day in 2022. With the two dumping sites in Mumbai — Deonar and Kanjurmarg — overflowing, a radical change in our approach to solid waste management is urgently needed. As Maharashtra gets ready to go to…

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ஒரு வருடத்திற்கு முன்பு, திருநெல்வேலி மாவட்டத்தைச் சேர்ந்த 38 வயதான செல்வி, சென்னை நகரில் உள்ள ஒரு சிறிய துணி கடையில் விற்பனையாளராக பணியாற்றினார். "அந்த கடை உரிமையாளரின் சொந்தக்கார ஆண் ஒருவர் சூப்பர்வைசராக இருந்தார். அவர் பெண் ஊழியர்களிடம் தகாத முறையில் நடந்து வந்தார். அவரின் இந்த நடத்தை தொடர்ந்து அதிகரித்து வந்தன. பொறுக்கமுடியாமல் ஒரு நாள் நான் அவருக்கு எதிராக பேசினேன். எங்களிடம் இப்படி நடந்து கொள்வது சரி இல்லை என்று கூறினேன். அது பெரிய சண்டையாக மாறியது. என்னை தகாத வார்த்தைகளால் தாக்கினர் அவர். கடைசியில் நான் வேலையை இழந்தது தான் மிச்சம்," என்று செல்வி தனது அனுபவத்தை பகிர்ந்தார். செல்வி, தனது குடும்பத்தின் ஒரே சம்பாதிக்கும் உறுப்பினராக இருந்தபோது, வேலை இழப்பதால் அவருக்கு அதிகமான பாதிப்புகள் நேர்ந்தன. புதிய வேலை தேடும் பணியில், அவருக்கு பல மாதங்கள் கடந்து விட்டன. தற்போது, அவர் ஒரு பெட்ரோல்…

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Chennai is home to countless apartment complexes, many of which are in dire need of redevelopment. While the city has seen a surge in new constructions, older buildings often require attention. So, what should you do if your apartment is showing its age and you are considering redevelopment? Two years after the Tamil Nadu Apartment Ownership (TNAO) Act of 2022 came into effect, the Tamil Nadu Housing and Urban Development Department introduced the TNAO Rules, 2024 recently, which include specific guidelines for redeveloping ageing apartment buildings. A little background on TNAO Rules, 2024 KP Subramanian, a retired Professor of Urban…

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