
Kala has a beautiful garden outside her house that she wants to protect from pests. She wants to improve her garden and grow lots of fruits and vegetables out there. She came here to learn this "the Organic way".Like Kala, many other people from Bangalore attended the Organic Terrace Gardening (OTG) workshop held at Vittal Mallya Scientific Research Foundation (VMSRF), in BTM Layout II stage. VMSRF is an organisation dedicated to biotechnology research to generate newer products and processes in the field of health-care and agriculture. Palak grown in Organic terrace garden. Pic: Anisha NairAloe Vera at OTG. Pic: Anisha…

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You can eat these weeds

Most of us who have tried to grow plants are sure to have encountered these 'troublemakers'. They have often 'spoilt' our well-laid plans for the garden, or harassed us into spending extra time, clearing them from the garden. In fact it has become such a habit, that even while walking through or sitting idly in the garden, we can catch ourselves picking them off the soil. I am talking here about what we all refer to as 'weeds'. Only of late, have I tried to change my lens for viewing these plants. And it's been a great learning. Contrary to…

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For a BBMP pourakarmika, this would perhaps rank as the worst time of the year as s/he would be constantly required to sweep the streets. Those in independent houses with a garden and trees would be filling the leaves in several black garbage bags everyday, perhaps even having to pay a little something to have it cleared. As apartment dwellers, leaves shed from the tree probably do not feature as easily on our radar. But if you are trying to learn all things related to creating and managing a healthy terrace garden, like me, you would rush to collect and…

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One of the events at Lalbagh that the citizens of Bangalore, always look forward to is the Republic Day Flower Show. The weather is always very pleasant, and the beautiful displays in the Glass House are a great attraction for the visitors to this lung-space of our city.Having seen the displays each year, I thought I will go and see how it's all put together. So, by 630am, I was in Lalbagh with some friends. When I told the guards that I was from Citizen Matters and wanted to cover the preparations, they allowed me into the Glass House. I…

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It was a warm Sunday morning and a sizeable crowd listened in rapt attention to Dr B N Vishwanath at the Celebrity Paradise Club house in Electronic City on January 8th. Dr Vishwanath, the organic kitchen garden evangelist, was talking about the importance of growing one's own food. Apart from health benefits, especially for children, the physical exercise of gardening outdoors also keeps you fit, he said. Visitors buying plants, seedlings and tools. Pic: Meera K. Vishwanath presented some facts on the food that we eat today, emphasising on the dangers of pesticide-laden food. He and his colleague S Laxminarayanan…

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The third edition of the organic gardening event, Oota from your Thota (OfyT) will be held on Sunday, January 8th at Electronic City. The event is to support aspiring gardeners grow gardens in their homes. An introductory workshop on organic terrace gardening will be held, along with a special session on waste management and composting practices. A mela is also planned for sale of plants, seeds, garden tools, compost, organic food, ecofriendly cloth bags etc, along with an open forum for discussions.The event is supported by NGO Garden City Farmers Trust (GCFT) and Apna Complex. Citizen Matters is media partner…

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Know your seeds

In the August Oota from your Thota (OfyT) event, not only did I have the opportunity to interact with several garden enthusiasts, I also managed to overhear snatches of conversations among the visitors and participants. What struck me particularly was how people thronged to buy vegetable seeds sold at the event. Some visitors even fretted over the absence of particular seed varieties! And then there were the school children who had not only initiated and nurtured a vegetable garden but had also saved seeds which they sold that day. Students from B M English School, had set up a stall…

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Those of us who have had green around our homes must have had perennial Money plants tucked in collectible pretty bottles (which could never been thrown away) or even pots that had the creeper trailing on the wall or balcony.  They were sunned once in a while or may never have seen the sun but yet they gave out new leaves and looked healthy.  If you now go to a nursery and ask for indoor plants you will be shown a wide range to choose from.   Indoor potted  plants thrive in the shade and beautify our homes and give us…

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Urban farming in small spaces is the way of the future, however growing vegetables in small spaces can be challenging. The first thought that comes to mind when you moved into your brand new apartment is usually –  "I miss my backyard and the little patch of kitchen garden I tended to". Don’t worry, raised bed planters are an ideal solution that substitutes the little patch you miss.  Home Harvest's planter on Nandini's balcony. Pic: Nandini Vaidyanathan Oota from your Thota Citizen Matters and Garden City Farmers Trust, Bangalore join other Indian cities in the movement initiated by  Kitchen Gardener's…

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My friend's 3-year-old wanted to start a garden in their balcony. The friend wanted an easy and manageable aproach.  Of course, as with most persons who have had some experience with balcony/terrace gardening, I wait for such opportunities to offer suggestions! The easiest way to start an organic vegetable garden is with herbs. It takes little space, almost nothing of your time; and the way I see it – the sheer luxury of stepping into your balcony (as opposed to trudging to the nearest store, braving the traffic) to pluck a few leaves and garnish the dish being cooked should…

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