
Times have changed and today almost everyone you meet knows the importance of eating healthy and if you are ready to lend an ear, they will probably even end up giving you ‘gyaan' on what to eat and what not to eat. This is a welcome change, but what I notice is that most people have no idea on how to plan out a balanced diet. Including ‘healthy foods' in your diet is great, but how does one make sure that each meal that is consumed is providing the body with the nutrients needed on a daily basis? Take for…

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Every year, the 8th of March is celebrated as ‘International Women's Day' the world over and apart from a couple of award functions acknowledging successful women, some "feel-good" articles lauding the contribution of women, a few advertisements in the newspapers and wishes from friends and colleagues, there isn't anything special about this day for most women! Pic: wikimedia commons Women today manage to do a balancing act between their professional lives and being a mother, wife, daughter, and daughter-in-law. This definitely fills us with pride that we are able to handle home and work so smoothly-a pat on our well…

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The old saying that "A family that eats together stays together" certainly holds good even today, but just needs to be tweaked a little to suit today's health conscious world. It should now read "A family that eats healthy and exercises together stays fit together!" As a dietitian my goal is not only to get my client on the right 'eating' path, but also to extend the benefits of healthy eating and regular exercise to his/her family. Many a time, clients (mostly women) give up on a regimen as it proves difficult to make two different menus - a regular…

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It’s that time of the year when people fret over the time wasted not doing something they had decided to and promptly put it on the list for the next year! Was one of your resolutions for this year weight-loss? Is it now at the top of next year’s ‘To-do’ list? Well, you’re not alone! According to surveys conducted every year-losing weight is among the most common New Year resolution across the globe. The two main reasons why it gets conveniently pushed into the next year’s list, year after year are that people are either “too busy” or just plain…

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