
If the dogs of Whitefield could talk, they would have quite a story to tell. Every night, over a hundred dogs in the area lie in wait to be served dinner. Rice, chicken bones, mutton fat and turmeric, sometimes vegetables - all cooked together to make a delectable meal. Perhaps with the addition of a few spices, dinner could actually pass off as biryani, ready to be served to humans too. And it doesn't stop at food alone. An injured dog can expect to be nursed back to health. Unspayed ones are neutered and set back on the streets. What’s…

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The audit report by Comptroller Auditor General of India for the year ending March 2013 reveals that Bangalore Development Authority, which lacks funds for the development works it is supposed to undertake, donated Rs.10.19 crore for various purposes, including Chief Minister’s relief fund and flood relief fund by a TV channel. An amount of Rs. 2 crore each was donated to Chief Ministers’ Relief fund and Bangalore Medical College and Research Institute, while the Institute of Nephro Urology and Karnataka Chalana Chitra Academy for Rs 1 crore each. Similarly Rs 5 to 10 lakh was donated to many institutions under…

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Once again, it was time to shift; once again, it was time to fret over the collection of used/unused/sparingly used but ‘not being used’ items at home. That we were moving to a smaller rented house, made it evidently clear that I do away with some of that stuff. In the past I have been accomplishing this by donating the items to NGOs. During voluntary works, I have often noticed people adopting the easiest route to de-clogging their homes: they bundle all and sundry items together and dump at the nearest venue willing to accept their surplus. Concerned at this…

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The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others. - Mahatma Gandhi Mahatma Gandhi in prayer. Pic courtesy: Newsweek / On the eve of the Joy of Giving Week, don’t be surprised if you find a few hundred people sleeping outdoors in Whitefield. Under the Stars, an event on the October 1, is happening for the first time. It involves the participants spending the entire night outdoors from 7 pm up until 6am the next day. Activities include live music acts and food stalls to keep you entertained through the night. “There are…

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In early January, an NGO that focuses on reuse and recycling of clothes sent out an urgent appeal to people on their mailing list to contribute woollens and blankets for homeless people who were suffering the harshness of a prolonged winter. Quilt-making in progress. Pic: Lalana Zaveri What would most of us do, on receiving such an email? Possibly spare a thought for these poor people and then mark the mail unread with the intention of doing something about it at the earliest opportunity, or perhaps gather our spare blankets and woollens and set off in search of a collection…

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All of us are looking forward to Diwali this year aren't we? The bursting of crackers and sentimental pooja truly makes this occasion special. But there are many others out there who don't get this chance. So I decided to do something about this. As Diwali celebrations are coming up, my mum had been asking me to dispose of my huge collections of comics and story books, my old school books, clean up my room and get rid of what she calls all the junk. I thought, why not put some of this stuff to some good use. I reached…

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The fourth edition of the ‘festival of giving’ is back! Launched in 2009, the Joy of Giving Week is celebrated every October to celebrate ‘giving’. A giving event could be as simple as a family taking out the domestic help's children for an ice-cream party or as big as Goonj’s massive clothes collection drive. It is a festival where Indians from all walks of life give back to their society. “The goal is to engage citizens of the country and instil values of caring, civic and social responsibility. Bengaluru with its metropolitan culture has a responsibility to give back more…

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Charity begins at home

About two years ago, we came up with a simple idea of collecting old newspapers from the apartments in this community, and sell them to the local kabadiwala. The money thus collected would be donated to local orphanages and old-age homes. Many residents, some as young as three, formed an army of enthusiastic volunteers that went around door to door collecting old newspapers. Young volunteers at work. Pic: Shree Rekha With this initiative we have raised Rs 1,02,000 in the last two years and we have been able to help 13 local charity institutions, which includes schools, orphanages and old-age…

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