Repair Café is organising its 5th workshop on March 19th 2016. It is being hosted by The Green Path situated at Seshadripuram, from 11.30 am to 4 pm. Apart from repairing and upcycling, other highlights of the workshop include
Talk show on Water Conservation by Aditi Hastak from Biome
Workshop on basics of Kitchen Gardening
Screening of a documentary film, Economics Of Happiness
So what is Repair Café?
Repair Café is a community gathering where repairers, volunteers, visitors come together for the purpose of repairing household articles.
A repair man busy at work. Pic: Purna Sarkar
Since our first Repair Café, we have completed a total of 124 repairs and thus few kilos of waste have been diverted from going to a landfill. We also observed that some of the repair categories were gaining more popularity viz., household electronics, clothes and bags, kitchen appliances and jewellery.
Repair Cafes are becoming a place to showcase one’s hobby like music, photography, painting, and above all, repairing. One of our youngest repairers was a class 12 student who flew from Ahmedabad to witness this event and contributed in repairing of electrical items.
In Bengaluru, we have so far organised Repair Cafés at the following locations:
Rangoli Metro Art Center
Milton Park hosted by REWABE (Resident’s Welfare Association of Bangalore East)
Indiranagar hosted by Daily Dump
VET high School hosted by Rotary Spandana.
Repair Café Foundation
The Repair Café concept arose in the Netherlands, in 2009, and was formulated by Martine Postma, at the time an Amsterdam-based journalist/publicist. In 2010, she started the Repair Café Foundation (see The foundation supports Repair Café in Bangalore.
Repair Café Bengaluru (RCB)
Purna Sarkar and Antara Mukherji organise this environmental sustainability initiative in Bengaluru. India is 22nd country in the world to organise Repair Café.
Facebook: Repair Café, Bangalore.
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