Doing something that can improve accessibility for disabled persons? Read on.

Know any individual or organisation working on ideas that can grant those with disabilities the same privileges as others? Nominate them for the Universal Design Awards by May 31st.

A key challenge to inclusion of disabled people into the mainstream is the basic lack of access. Accessibility is not limited to physical spaces alone, but also includes transport infrastructure, information and technology, aids and appliances etc. Access is therefore an issue that cuts across disabilities, sectors, abilities and age groups and forms the very basis of empowerment of disabled people. ‘Universal Design’, i.e. a design that is usable by all therefore becomes intrinsic to any kind of access.

It was to recognise innovative work that improved accessibility and promoted the principles of Universal Design that NCPEDP with the support of Mphasis launched the ‘NCPEDP-Mphasis Universal Design Awards’ in 2010. 

The Awards cover accessibility in the following fields:

  • Built Environment
  • Transport
  • Information and Communication Technology
  • Services
  • Aids and Appliances

The Awards are given in 3 categories: 

  • Persons with Disabilities
  • Working Professionals
  • Companies/Organisations

The last date to send nominations for the awards is Sunday May 31st 2015.

Nomination form for Individuals | Nomination form for Corporates / Organisations

Nomination forms can also obtained by writing in to For any equiries, contact Rati/ Deepika on (011) 2626 5647. For more information, check


National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People (NCPEDP) is a non-profit voluntary organisation founded in 1996, working as an interface working as an interface between Government, Industry, International Agencies and Voluntary Sector towards empowerment of persons with disabilities.

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