Stop living wastefully and start living resourcefully

What are the children of today being taught about waste? Here is a workshop from ESG for teachers and school administrators on simple, feasible solutions for waste management in schools.

A background

Schools play an important role in keeping our environment clean. One important step in this process is educating students and the wider community about reducing the amount of resources consumed, so that we do not needlessly throw used material into garbage bins.  For this waste ultimately lands up in street corners, lakes, forests, outskirts of the city and in village grazing pastures and farmlands causing massive pollution and creating major public health hazards.

While each of us can do a lot in making schools less wasteful, better results are achieved when the whole school makes a commitment to minimizing resource consumption, improve waste management and recover and reuse material – be it in composting organic waste to make it into rich manure, or in turning waste material into fantastic daily use craft stuff.  

All this is important because schools have the additional and vital responsibility of being the conscious keepers of our society, of instilling living habits for the community that are environmentally sustainable and socially just. As resources decline, the more imaginative, intelligent and creative we are with the use of material, the softer we tread on this planet and the greater are our chances of leaving a truly living planet for generations to come.  

There are plenty of solutions that schools with their students and teachers can adopt in their daily work, which can become happily contagious in society and rid it of its wasteful ways and thus, help us shift our living habits to more healthier ways for the benefit of present and future generations.

Join ESG for a workshop that will walk you through every little detail of waste management, waste recycling, waste composting, waste art, and so on. Equally importantly, come appreciate how we can reduce, recycle and reuse material and make it an every day practice, and revive our cultural and traditional ways of not living w-a-s-t-e-f-u-l-l-y. The workshop will be in English and Kannada. The training includes lectures, do-it-yourself activities, discussions, case studies, films and presentations.

Workshop details

Date: Friday June 26th 2015

Time: 9.30 am to 4.30 pm

Venue: ESG Training Centre, 1575, Outer Ring Road, Banashankari 2nd Stage, Bangalore-70

Phone: 91-80-2671 3560/61  

Course Fee

A course fee of Rs 750 per participant is payable in advance by Cheque in favour of ‘Environment Support Group’.  The fee includes cost of meals and refreshments. (Outstation participants will have to bear their own travel, accommodation and other incidental charges.)

Please confirm your participation in advance by filling in the registration form and mailing it along with the registration fee to Shashikala Iyer, Environment Support Group, 1572, Ring Road, Banashankari II Stage, Bangalore 560070.

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