We have thousands of runners but no place to just walk from A to B. I can no longer walk the less-than-a-kilometre stretch from my home to that of a friend on Bannerghatta Road. The road has been dug up for widening ( though it quickly ends in a bottleneck at an immoveable temple opposite a newly- minted mall), and leave alone the demise of several young trees, there is no footpath any more, nor is there likely to be, for the foreseeable future. Critically endangered species: the Common Pedestrian.
Update: My friend Shiv Sastry tells me that there is an app called ichangemycity.com where I can lodge a complaint with some hope of its being heard and acted upon. But on my mobile, the location map is so small that dragging the pin to the right spot is very difficult. I will keep trying to ensure that pedestrian’s voices are heard in this dreadfully insensitive city governance.