B.PAC Endorses 28 Candidates for Assembly Elections 2018

Bangalore Political Action Committee (B.PAC) today released a list of 28 endorsed candidates from 18 Assembly constituencies for upcoming assembly elections, 2018.

“A country like ours has a diverse polity and you need multiple skillsets to tackle the issues that confront us today. It was a tough call and after diligent deliberations the committee concluded that each of these candidates had something to offer the voters, and hence, should be supported in their endeavors to represent Bengaluru” – Kiran Mazumdar Shaw 

Since 2013 B.PAC has been endorsing candidates for all three general elections namely Assembly Elections in 2013, Lok Sabha Elections in 2014 and BBMP Elections in 2015. This is a significant effort carried out to set in motion a positive trend for parties to field better candidates who will emphasize and work on development issues and will engage with the citizens and  deliver to the city’s needs. 

This year B.PAC has taken a step forward in setting up Know Your Candidate web portal to share politically relevant information about the candidates. The disengagement between candidates standing for elections and the average voter is intense in large cities such as ours. Many voters are not aware of the candidates who are standing for elections and their credentials, and hence, not motivated to vote. Our aim through this initiative is to help citizens know about their candidates and to make informed choices while electing their representative. B.PAC in collaboration with DAKSH has also undertaken analysis of candidates’ legal cases as filed along with their latest attested affidavits to the EC and the same is available in the web portal

Candidate Endorsement is another key activity under Election Habba, an election awareness initiative by B.PAC to encourage greater citizen participation in the electoral process. 

In 2018 Assembly elections there are 438 candidates contesting in 27 Bengaluru city Assembly Constituencies including 27 incumbent MLA’s. From amongst this onerous list we have identified 28 candidates from 18 constituencies (excluding Jayanagar AC which is postponed) for endorsement. In coming up with this list, special consideration has been given to women, youth and new age parties that bring a certain freshness of approach, promise of better governance and a passion to challenge the status quo for the better. While the candidates from the mainstream political parties may bring established track record, experience and leadership, the newer parties and independents bring hope for better governance and this endorsement seeks to be a signalling effect for the other parties and the public at large that we need to support, nurture and encourage fresh thinking. We hope this endorsement will encourage them to actively engage in politics and be the Challenger and have the resilience to remain in politics in the long term.  

The endorsement process consisted of two step review:

  • Step 1 – Bengaluru City Assembly Constituencies
  • Step 2 – Application of Endorsement Criteria on the candidates 

Step 1 – Bengaluru City Assembly Constituencies 

From 28 Assembly constituencies in Bengaluru Urban District, we looked into BBMP wards  of  Assembly constituencies in Bengaluru city with the following characteristics:

  • Wards and general sense of active citizen community influencing participative engagement with MLA
  • Middle class community, newly developed layouts/areas, apartment communities

Based on the above, we did not consider Anekal Assembly Constituency. 

“We urge Bengalureans to come in large numbers and exercise their franchise without fear, favour or inducements and to elect the best public-spirited candidate from their constituencies only then can they demand better governance from the elected legislators” – Revathy Ashok, CEO B.PAC 

Step 2 – Application of Endorsement Criteria

List of contesting candidates from the 27 Assembly Constituencies from major and new age parties and independents with promise were shortlisted.

The endorsement criteria applied to them was as follows:

Elimination Criteria:

  • Serious criminal record
  • History of violence/abuse (whether convicted in a court of law or not) against women or children
  • Record of misuse of any public office for private gain
  • Serious negative feedback from socially active opinion makers & RWAs in the constituency
  • For incumbent MLA’s who have scored 50% or less in our MLA Rating exercise

Selection Criteria:

  • Visible engagement in public service
  • Recognition in the community for leadership on civic issues
  • Demonstrated capability to improve the constituency
  • Accessibility to Public
  • No conflict of interest between Public office and Private interest
  • Educational qualification, youth and women has an added weightage

The candidates were under the following categories:

  • Incumbent MLA: MLA who scored 50% and above in objective MLA Rating considered for further selection 
  • Ministers representing Bangalore AC’s

Along with the above points, Additional Expert opinion on Minister’s achievements in the Ministry were obtained.

New age parties, B.CLIP Leaders and Independents

  • Promise of change, fresh thinking, free from entrenched positions, passion to bring about fundamental change in the way of doing things
  • Promise of good governance, transparency and accountability
  • Raised important civic and social issues of public interest
  • Committed to a constituency development vision
  • B.PAC elimination criteria

Common to all candidates

  • Details of assets and criminal record (as per affidavits filed with the EC and search of publicly available information)
  • Alignment with citizens’ perception on key issues affecting their constituencies based on feedback from constituency (RWAs and Citizens) 

The committee had multiple review meetings and deliberated for several hours on the information gathered. The key criteria encompassed some metrics from political experience, local /grassroots impact, engagement with social issues, commitment to good governance and ideas for change.

After knowing and understanding the nominated candidates’ plans and strategies for their respective constituencies, B.PAC has endorsed candidates based on various parameters mentioned above, such as, record of public service, public standing, level of education, no serious criminal record, History of violence/abuse (whether convicted in a court of law or not) against women or children.

This list includes candidates from across the political spectrum. 

“B.PAC urges the citizens to exercise their vote based on their individual preference for matters of importance. Regardless of who wins, we hope that the candidates will display strong political leadership qualities that will build a better Bengaluru and a greater nation said Ananda Gundu Rao, Member, B.PAC

B.PAC believes that Bengalureans have to contribute towards election expenditures of good candidates and hence has also made a symbolic gesture of financial support to these candidates. B.PAC will request its volunteers to campaign for endorsed candidates.

Below is the list of B.PAC Endorsed Candidates for Assembly Elections 2018. B.PAC urges the citizens to get to know about the candidates well before casting their valuable vote.

B.PAC Endorsed candidates in Bengaluru city

AC No & Name

Endorsed Candidates

150      Yelahanka

  • S R Vishwanath, BJP

151      K R Puram

  • Lingaraj Urs, AAP

152      Byatarayanapura

  • Krishna Byre Gowda, INC                   
  • Narendra Kumar, INDP

153      Yeshwanthapura

  • S.T.Somashekhar, INC

156      Mahalakshmilayout

  • K.Gopalaiah, JD-S                       
  • N.L.Narendra Babu, BJP                           
  • Manjunath.H.S,  INC

157      Malleshwaram

  • Dr. Ashwath Narayan C N, BJP

158      Hebbal

  • Y A Narayanaswamy, BJP                                                         

160      Sarvagnanagar

  • K J George, INC
  • Prithvi Reddy, AAP

161      C V Ramannagara

  • R. Sampath Raj, INC    

163      Shantinagar

  • N A Haris, INC
  • Renuka Viswanathan, AAP
  • Peter Samson Babu, INDP

164      Gandhinagara

  • Dinesh Gundu Rao, INC
  • A.R. Sapthagiri Gowda, BJP

165      Rajajinagara

  • G. Padmavathi, INC
  • S. Suresh kumar, BJP

166      Govindaraja Nagara

  • Priyakrishna, INC

167      Vijayanagara

  • M. Krishnappa, INC

170      Basavanagudi

  • Ravisubramanya L A, BJP
  • Dr. Bhanu Prakash. A.S, PPI

172      BTM Layout

  • Ramalinga Reddy, INC

174      Mahadevapura

  • Aravind Limbavali, BJP
  • P. Ramesh Chander, Swaraj India

175      Bomanahalli

  • Sushma Rajgopal Reddy, INC

 “BPAC commends the parties for fielding candidates with good credentials who are worthy of being elected representatives of citizens. We believe B.PAC’s initiative of endorsing candidates has been a trend setter in urging parties to field better candidates,” said, K.Jairaj, Member, B.PAC 


  1. Ats says:

    I wonder how a politician like NA Harris with a recent record of criminal I atomisation, use of public office for pressure on citizen, was selected despite the elimination criteria. This is a low for BPAC and seriously erodes trust in BPAC. I wish journalists too question BPAC and make public their response.

  2. Srinivas says:

    If you go by one of your criteria – conflict of interest between public office and private interest, how was KJ George selected being Bangalore Minister and also having stakes in real estate.? He was also accused in the Ganapathi suicide case. So can’t completely call him a saint.
    Another criteria about RWAs raising issues of dissatisfaction in their areas, how does Haris qualify when many RWAs in Indiranagar which is part of Shantinagar constituency have been raising so many issues against pubs, bars and illegal commercialization and Haris has not been able to meet the citizens demands.
    These issues can raise doubts about your selection of candidates.

  3. Saijee Rao says:

    Great work! A first step towards citzen awareness and involvement in the voting process. Your rating has helped me decide, in an otherwise confusing scenario.

  4. Ajit - Bangalore says:

    Thanks a lot for this list that helps Bangaloreans to make informed decisions.

  5. S L Roy says:

    K J George shouldn’t be endorsed. He is not at all a clean person.

  6. Kishore says:

    Please stop all these things and mind your own business. Don’t try to influence citizens. By the way what is the gauge/criteria used for endorsing the above mentioned candidates?

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