Articles by Rathish Balakrishnan

Are you looking to implement water conservation measures in your apartment or home and wondering where to start? Not too sure how to go about it and want to understand if there are real benefits? Or how practical it is and how long it might take? This World Water Day, get all your questions answered with "Savings on the House."On Saturday, 23-March, visit over 15 pioneering water conservation initiatives across apartments and homes in Bangalore to learn how they did it - rain water harvesting, sewage treatment, water metering, groundwater recharge and other successful water conservation practices.Following are the list…

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In the basement of Chitrakala Parishath, Bangalore is a long narrow room. Unlike regular Saturday mornings, on 17th May 2008 the room is bustling with activity. In one end of the room, members of INTACH Chitrakala Parishath Art Conservation Centre (ICKPAC) are busy packing their materials in cartons. Madhu Rani, who heads the initiative, tells me that they are getting ready for their trip to the Thiruvarur temple scheduled for the forthcoming week. An oil painting on canvas “Goddess Saraswathi” by artist S.K.Ayya, was received at our centre for restoration. The painting was in an extremely bad condition and it…

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