Urban planning experts and allied interests have for long grappled with exactly how much open space Mumbai needs, and what more can be done to improve Mumbai’s natural environment. Given the likely impacts of climate change, especially in the context of the latest IPCC report warning the city of climate change catastrophes, urban planning in Mumbai appears to have reached a critical point of inquiry. Extensive research already outlines Mumbai’s open space deficit as an outcome of administrative disputes, land availability, acquisition financing, lack of holistic policy implementation, and other reasons across social, economic and environmental aspects. While the search…
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Berjis Driver is an urban planner and descriptive researcher with more than 2 years’ experience in architecture, urban and environmental planning. He is a national youth climate leader as part of the United Nations India x Purpose, ‘We the Change’ campaign, and currently works at the Mumbai-based NGO Waatavaran Foundation on biodiversity and forest related projects.