Why should people pay full amount for LPG?

Why can't gas agencies take the subsidy from bank account directly, why people have to pay extra?

A new rule to link Aadhaar Card and Bank Account with the gas connection is on the way. Consumers in Bengaluru are being sent messages regarding this, though the government has not completed the process of issuing the cards for a large number of citizens. Also, as the acceptance of Aadhar is still pending in the supreme court, how can this be implemented?

Direct Subsidy Transfer scheme has not been implemented so far in Karnataka anywhere, though many deadlines have been given.
                                      – Editor
Also read: How to link Aadhaar card to bank account.

At present the gas companies maintain the account of number of cylinders supplied on subsidy price by mentioning it on the bill, where any mistake can be spotted by the consumer and brought to the notice of the agency.

Now do the consumer have to pay non-bubsidised price and get back the difference? Once the gas connection is tagged as genuine, why one should pay more from the pocket and receive it back in the account? I’m sure it will not be done immediately and no interest will be paid for the duration of the process period.

Instead, let the gas company obtain the signature on delivery and collect the cost from the account to which it is linked. Then the banks will also have details and will pay the subsidy price for the total entity and non-subsidy price beyond it.

Does the government not have belief on the consumers, who have verified and certified the genuineness by themselves?

This method is non-friendly and unacceptableby the public at large. Necessary changes have to be made before implementation and not invite public aggrieveness and ire on this issue.

This letter was written by D R Prakash on behalf of Osobrne Road Area Residents’ Welfare Association

Related Articles

How to link Aadhaar card to bank account and LPG connection?
Aadhaar safety concern not major; LPG subsidy is the main motive
How to get an Aadhaar card?
Enrol for Aadhaar card now, by taking online appointment
Now, download Aadhaar card yourself


  1. srinivasan dr sundaram says:

    enogh is written by me on the waste of aadhaar card and paying more and getting later…. we dont protest enough. we are ruled by Thuglaks. is a wasteful exercise . Likely to cause lots of nusiances and litigations .

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