Kaikondrahalli lake to host Bengaluru’s first lake festival on Jan 10

Come Saturday and Kaikondarahalli Lake in Harlur will witness the first Kere Habba event on its two-kilo metres long trail. Kere Habba is an innovative initiative by Namma Bengaluru Foundation (NBF) to bring public to the lake side and create an awareness to protect and preserve dwindling lakes of Bengaluru.

The day-long programme organised by NBF in association with MAPSAS and United Way, Bengaluru, intends to host a bunch of community events which is open for all. In the first of its series, Kere Habba at Kaikondarahalli Lake will feature a whole lot of events such as informative green workshops, story-telling sessions, bird walks, music that draws inspiration from nature, innovative experiment-based science activities, terrace gardening techniques.

As NBF CEO, Sridhar Pabbisetty puts it, the idea of organising Kere Habba which was mooted two years ago, has become a reality due to the efforts like-minded people and organisations. “Kere Habba is basically a community initiative, where the neighbourhood residents play a major role in the protection and restoration of the lake. The objective behind organising the event is to bring together fellow Bengalureans to the lake, which are often neglected. This will create a sense of belonging and awareness regarding the protection and preservation of the lakes,” he says.

Discussion on what needs to be done to improve lakes will be one of the highlights of the event. “We are expecting a good number of citizens to turn up to the event and participate actively. The second programme of the series is tenatively scheduled for February 7th, at Puttenahalli. The series of events will continue for five years, with one event hosted every month,”.

Excerpts from the invite sent by the organisers:

Join your friends and neighbours in this sunrise to sunset event. Open to all & free!

ನೀವೂ ಬನ್ನಿ, ನಿಮ್ಮನೆಯವರು, ಮಕ್ಕಳನ್ನೂ ಕರೆತನ್ನಿ!! ಪಕ್ಷಿಗಳ ಒಡನಾಟ, ಮರಗಳ ಸುತ್ತ ಅಲೆದಾಟ, ವಿವಿಧ ಚಟುವಟಿಕೆ… ಪ್ರವೇಶ ಉಚಿತ! ಬನ್ನಿ, ಫುಲ್ ಮಜಾ ಮಾಡಿ!

Green workshops, story-telling sessions, bird walks, music, science activities, terrace gardening techniques, etc, all along the 2 km walkway around the lake. 

Bird Walk * Sensory Exploration * Native cow breeds * Show and Tell * City Heritage: Talk * Storytelling * Inauguration * Antakshari * Dramatic Reading * Acoustic band * Nature Folk songs * Reptile walk  * Yoga & Nature * Bags from Rags * Newspaper crafts * Quilting: Clothes 2 Causes * Terrarium * Lake creatures: Show and Tell * Recycle Art * Family Train Run * Leaf/Pebble craft * Lake walk and exploration * Tree Walk * Water experiments * Swap-a-Book * Build a Play Area * Composting workshop * Rangoli

The Kere Habba at Kaikondarahalli Lake is the first of Namma Bengaluru Foundation’s Lake Day Series, aimed at raising awareness, increasing community participation and fostering an appreciation of lakes in Bangalore.

“This lake is a remarkable example of citizen involvement and proactive support from BBMP — we hope an event like this will inspire Bangaloreans to support their neighbourhood lake, and replicate lake rejuvenation initiatives in their neighbourhoods too.” – Priya Ramasubban, member of MAPSAS Trust, the citizen group that looks after the lake, with funding from United Way

“Bangalore has been blessed with a number of natural and human-made lakes.  The water security of Bengaluru lies in us reconnecting with these lakes and safeguarding them.” – Sridhar Pabbisetty, CEO, Namma Bengaluru Foundation. 

Event Schedule

Layout of Kaikondarahalli Lake on the day of Kere Habba

Full event schedule at: http://goo.gl/OfVqYB 

Green Transport

– Shuttle & cycle parking available.

– See: http://goo.gl/IaEN1R

Green Sessions & Food Stalls

– Bring your own water bottle – Water stations available for refills.

– No plastic, no disposables. Wholesome and organic food stalls.

– Segregation and responsible management of waste


– Green event management: Stonesoup, a cooperative working on sustainable living.

– Shuttle transport service: Wipro

– Waste management: Hasiru Dala

Follow the updates at: www.facebook.com/events/1055009691191459

About Namma Bengaluru Foundation

The Namma Bengaluru Foundation is an organisation working towards making Bengaluru a model city, be it in terms of well planned infrastructure, well laid out neighborhood community models, or its people-driven governance measures. Namma Bengaluru Foundation aims to be the voice of the people; a voice that needs to be heard in order for Bengaluru to become a truly Global City. 

About Mahadevapura Parisara Samrakshane Mattu Abhivrudhi Samiti (MAPSAS)

MAPSAS (Acronym for Mahadevapura Environment Protection and Development Trust) is a community-oriented Not For Profit Trust, formed by citizens to take up ecological lake maintenance activities after rejuvenation of lakes in Mahadevpura constituency of Bangalore city. The members of the Trust have been engaged with the BBMP since 2008 to rejuvenate Kaikondarahalli Lake and Lower Ambalipura Lake in an environmentally sustainable, socially responsible manner. The Trust has recently taken up the role of community Custodian of three more lakes — Soul Kere ( where Genpact is funding Maintenance in pertnership with United Way) as well as Kasavanahalli LAke and Haralur lake — both of which will be hugely helped if corporates partner with MAPSAS to help with maintenance.

With inputs from Akshatha Rao

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