Voter roll registration open, till Apr 7th

Bangaloreans, who are not part of the voter rolls can register at the BBMP offices or online (by Apr 7th, 2013).

For LATEST FAQ on 2014 Elections, click here.
To know the procedure for online voter registration, click here.

The Election Commission has announced a special summary revision of photo electoral rolls. This will help enrol first time voters, voters whose names are not in the rolls, voters who have shifted residences and already enrolled voters who need to correct their details. All citizens who will be 18 years or above, as on January 1st 2013, are eligible.

[This article, published in Dec 2012 has been updated 4 Apr 2013] 

Draft Electoral Rolls for the Batch III Assembly Constituencies including 28 constituencies within BBMP limits, have been published on 5th November 2012 1st January 2013.

Hard copies of the voter rolls are available at BBMP ward offices, Offices of Deputy Commissioners of the districts, Assistant Commissioner of the revenue subdivisions, Tahsildars and at the polling stations.


Search using the online tool

Go here: Search using your name,  EPIC number or application acknowledgement number. You can also check the status of your claims, objections etc.

The pdf of the rolls are available at:

Use SMS service

Check your name on the voter rolls using SMS. SMS your EPIC ID Card Number to 9243355223, in the format, KAEPIC . The response from TD-CEOKAR gives the assembly constituency, Part Number, Serial Number, Name, Relation name, sex and Age.


Manual registration

The EC has given the list of Voter Facilitation centres here, where application forms will be accepted along with address/id proofs: 

The list of Matadara Mitras is available on
List of voter facilitation centres is available on

  • Form 6 – For inclusion of names as first-time voter, inclusion of name missing from the electoral roll and transposition of name from previous constituency to present constituency. Enclose copy of address proof and age proof
  • Form 7 – For seeking deletion of name from existing rolls
  • Form 8 – For correction of any particulars in the rolls
  • Form 8A – transposition of name from one part of assembly constituency to another part in the same constituency.

Forms are available here:

Check to know EROs by District. – gives the details for Bangalore.

Online registration

The EC has a online tool accessible at:
We found that some people who tried to register on the site failed. We request readers who could register successfully to share their experiences. (UPDATED 5th Nov: We have received reports from some users, that their registration worked.). Registrations are accepted till April 7, 2013.

Groups like Smart Vote and Residents Welfare association are helping residents register. They are also working with BBMP for bulk submission of forms from apartments and colleges. To clarify your doubts, check the Smart Vote page.

To register, you have to enter the basic details like name, email id, mobile number etc. All details are mandatory. After this, the user will get an SMS and an email, with the login id and password.

Steps to get register on the voter list online.

• Click on – this is the Register/Login page
• Keep these handy:

  1. Soft copy of recent Passport Size Photograph (3.5CM X 3.5 CM), should be .jpg format and <50KB.
  2. Soft copy of Documentary Proof (Age) should be .pdf format and Maximum Size of PDF should be 1MB only.
  3. Soft copy of Documentary Proof (Address) should be .pdf format and Maximum Size of PDF should be 1MB only.
  4. Some tips (courtesy: Arbind Gupta): 
  • Do not use any special character (including comma, semicolon, plus sign etc.) in any field (particularly address field).
  • If you are registering (as a new user) your email id for logging into the website, then do not give initials in the name field. It rejects it but the error message is “please enter a valid mobile number” 
  • One need to select each radio button in sec IV (if it is a fresh application (it behaves like a check box) 

• Register yourself as per instructions.

  1. Clicking on register, enter a valid email ID and a mobile number.
  2. After successful registration, you will get an email and SMS with the username and  password.
  3. Use this user ID and password to login.

• When you login, you can see the following options:

  1. For Including Your Name in Electoral Roll – Form 6
  2. For Deleting Your Name From Electoral Roll – Form 7
  3. For Modifying Your Name in Electoral Roll – Form 8
  4. For Transposing Your Name in Electoral Roll – Form 8A (suggesting not to use this option)

• Select the appropriate option. If you have doubts, click the ‘Procedure’ help link for the required option.

• If you are applying for Form 8 (Modification) or Form 7 (Deletion), search for your Part Number and Serial Number in the Assembly Constituency, using this link ‘Search Your Name In Electoral Roll’.

• In the form, choose your district, pin code and the Assembly Constituency. Ensure the data is entered correctly. You can also find the Assembly Constituency using Ward Name/Number.
• Then select the language of your choice.

• In the following page, enter your details (you may also enter the name of your relative – parent or any other person along with their Serial Number and Part Number, found via the link to search your name in electoral roll. Upload your photograph and the document id proofs (for age and address).

• Click on submit, now select the appropriate application and click on ‘Generate Acknowledgement’.

• You should receive an email explaining the procedure to submit the hard copy of the application to the ERO, along with the address. If you do not get the email, you can submit a signed copy, along with supporting documents, to the office of the ERO/AERO within 7 days to take up the verification process,
if you do not know the address of the ERO/AERO, use the link, ‘know your ERO’ to get the address and phone numbers. You can also send it by post to the address specified.

Some bugs (as on November 29th: (courtesy: Murugendra Chigateri)

  • The senders name for these emails is “Test”!
  • The instructions are for downloading a PDF, but there is no download option.  There is only the option to generate an acknowledgement, and that is also not a PDF.
  • This acknowledgement is nothing but two copies of the forms, with no clear indication of which form is for whom.
  • There is no address indicated in the form, for where to send out the form.
  • There are two signature lines in the printout.

• You can later check the status of your application in the home page after logging in.


The Election Commission site has an interesting interactive map. Click on

You can mark your residential location on the map – by navigating, specifying coordinates or by searching by name. The tool gives details of Parliamentary and Assembly constituency, BBMP Ward, as well as contact info for ARO and Voter facilitation Centre.


Check to get the list of voters deleted before 10 Dec 2012. This may not be relevant for most people. There have been many additions to the list since December 2012.

Check for progressive additions and deletions from the lists, status of applications. tells you the status of applications submitted after 16 Jan 2013.


  1. anonymous says:

    i was able to submit the Inclusion form successfully online. however, its not clear what do i have to do now. do i take a copy of this submitted form and go to the ARO office and submit it again in person?

  2. Manohar Elavarthi says:

    ONLINE REGISTRATION is working now I know about the successful submission of 3 online forms (8A) today.

    You can submit forms till 4th December, according to the revised schedule

  3. Santosh B R says:

    I was able to submit using the online link. Also posted the relevant documents thereafter. Thanks for the useful information. But there needs to be a huge awareness campaign on the need for voting. I could see less than 25% people in corporate industry have the voter id’s for residing constituencies. Some sort of drive need to organised by corporate companies.

  4. lila iyer says:

    How does one get a duplicate voter id card to replace a lost one?

    Thank you

  5. anusha s.b says:

    dear sir, have lost my voter id card and i need a duplicate id card. i don’t have the photo copies also. please suggest me the procedure to get it and i don’t know the no of the card also..,

  6. Santosh B R says:

    I had submitted my voter registraton request on time using the online link and steps explained above. Documents were also submitted on time. My request was to transfer my constituency to Bangalore. But I could not find my name in the voter list of our area. In my account the status is still shown as “Under Process”. How can I know why was it rejected? Please help. I called their office but they didnt respond properly.

  7. U. VISHWANATH RAO says:

    Mr Santosh B R,

    From the details given in your post, I feel that you may approach Election/Voter Id Cell at BBMP Main Office . You may also check through the link, Wish you early success.

  8. U. VISHWANATH RAO says:

    Anusha S.B. and Lila Iyer,

    I suggest you to try the link to trace your S No: and other relevant numbers from the links to approach the concerned authorities with relative official numbers against your name. Hope you will succeed easily.

    The Election Commission site has an interesting interactive map. Click on

    You can mark your residential location on the map – by navigating, specifying coordinates or by searching by name. The tool gives details of Parliamentary and Assembly constituency, BBMP Ward, as well as contact info for ARO and Voter facilitation Centre.⊕

  9. U. VISHWANATH RAO says:

    Dear citizens,
    One of the following links also may help you trace your identity or place in the Voter List of Bangalore for further redressal of your issues.
    Wishing you all the best,
    The Election Commission site has an interesting interactive map. Click on

  10. U. VISHWANATH RAO says:

    Dear all,

    Here is another link which may also help you I hope.

  11. U. VISHWANATH RAO says:

    for further information on voter registration —

    India Against Corruption – Karnataka Chapter
    “”Ohh! So, you did not register yourself as a voter in Karnataka? Even though we reminded you time & again to do so? And you feel guilty now?
    Hmm, No problem!
    The online voter registration for Karnataka is back here again.. Don’t miss it this time.. Do your voter registration here..
    Steps:–> 1- Make your login id. password will be sent to you by sms/mail (sub:test)
    2- Fill form 6 for new & change of constituency. (photo in jpg, Address & DOB proof in pdf). Submit the form.”” Hope this will help you.

  12. U. VISHWANATH RAO says:

    This is a continuation post

    I am sorry, four more steps were missed in my [previous post regarding bvoter registration which are given here below.
    … 3- Take printout of acknowledgement form, address & DOB proof. Passport size photo (in case it is not coming properly in the acknowledgement form). Note down the application number with you.
    4- Speed post it to the AERO office mentioned in the acknowledgement form.
    5- Keep checking the status of app. no. in the same website.
    6- When you are registered, say it proudly.

  13. deepak singhal says:

    Hi , my current status is showing “Your Assembly constituency : 174, Part No : 242, Section/ Street : 1” Can any once please tell me when do we get physical voter id card.


  14. Anand Jalan says:

    Hi , I had done voter online registration last year in April 2012. My current status is showing “Your Assembly constituency : 174, Part No : 231, Section/ Street : 19
    “. Can any once please tell me when and where do we get physical voter id card.


  15. Vasanthkumar Mysoremath says:

    This is how,the EPIC (Voter ID) comes to your hand:

    First time voters who have completed their 18th birthday on or after 1st January 2013 may not know when will they get their EPICs and through whom. It is worthwhile knowing how the system of issuing EPIC works:

    Applications are scrutinized for their correctness, photo and documentary evidences; then field level verification occurs; necessary data entries are made in a central registry/electoral rolls, photo is scanned, a photo ID (EPIC) is generated/printed. Then cards are sent to booth level officers who will arrange to deliver EPICs to concerned voters. The final electoral rolls will be published online and also at the booth level.

    Election Commission is facilitating voters with replicas of voters’ IDs at their door step. Therefore, it is the duty of every citizen to embark on a noble cause of creating a responsible political system with majority voters rule and to ensure better governance. As watchdogs, we must report any malpractices or corrupt ways, call 1077 and help in the establishment of a better governance.

    There appears to be a wave of awareness sweeping Karnataka to either have a change or to teach a lesson to those who have disappointed them. All these can happen provided names of all those eligible to vote are found in the Electoral Rolls and they are in possession of Electronic Photo Identity Card (EPIC).

    Therefore, all those who are eligible must go and vote on the day of election and help establishment of good governance.

    Vasanthkumar Mysoremath
    Convenor: Voters Awareness Movement

  16. Purushotham Rogennagari says:

    I had submitted my voter registration request online through the fallowing website – for me and my Wife’s. (Ref: Application No’s – 357587 and 397308) – when check the application status through the same website – i am getting the fallowing – (Your Assembly constituency : 171, Part No : 202, Section/ Street : 4), please let me know how to get my Voter ID and from where.

    Thanks in Advance,
    Purushotham R

  17. Anantha reddy says:

    I submitted Form6 to the Anganavadi teacher in last year but i did not receive any response from them. Then i tried to apply online in this month, but not successful as i needed to submit age proof(SSLC markscard) and address proof in the .pdf file, as i dont know how to get my markscard in pdf form. Please help me regarding this. When and where can i apply for voter Id-card next as i need it very soon.

  18. Vasanthkumar Mysoremath says:

    Registration is a continuous process. Since you have not submitted all the supporting documents during online registration, your name may not appear in the Electoral Roll. It is advisable that you take a little time, go to the concerned Election Office, file a fresh from 6 with relevant documents, wait for the draft electoral rolls to be published, check for your name and correctness if it appears, then demand for your EPIC.

  19. Balachandra Bhat says:

    My current status is showing “Your Assembly constituency : ***, Part No : ***, Section/ Street : **
    what does it mean? Is my Application accepted?

  20. Anantha reddy says:

    Thanku very much for reply, can i know how many days it take to get my EPIC if i apply today.

  21. Manohar Elavarthi says:

    ‘@Balachandra Bhat This means your name is included in the Voter list for *** Assembly Constituency in *** Part (Each Booth is a part)

  22. Saurabh Paul says:

    Even I am getting status as ” “Your Assembly constituency : ***, Part No : ***, Section/ Street : ** ”
    As per comment by Manohar ,its added in that particular Assembly Constituency.
    Now what is the next step to get physical voter id card . Do I need to go to BBMP office or they will be posting on the address mentioned in online application .
    Please guide for further steps in order to get ID .

    Help is appreciated. thanks

  23. Balachandra Bhat says:

    Thank u Mr. Manohar Elavarthi.
    Even i want to know ‘bt the next step, please guide.

  24. Manohar Elavarthi says:

    I heard from friends, that BBMP is not posting voter ID cards. People need to go to the BBMP Ward offices to collect their Voter ID card.

  25. Vasanthkumar Mysoremath says:

    Caution while issuing Voter IDs

    ECI has stated there is increase in number of voters in Karnataka;2008 polls 4,00,77,666; for 2013 the number is likely to be more than 4,36,00,000. People are becoming aware of the decaying system of governance and would like to cure with participatory democracy.

    EPIC/Voter ID card has assumed importance as proof of identity Reports say, every day about 800 people are arriving in Bengaluru alone, in search of jobs.

    Similarly, thousands are fanning out to Tier II cities like Mysore, Tumkur, Ramanagara etc. There is every possibility that the presence of considerable rank outsiders might be used by unscrupulous political elements to increase their base of voters by helping them with residential proofs etc., for obtaining EPICs.

    Therefore and in view of the recent incidents of bomb blasts and terrorist-like activities in Bengaluru and other places it would be necessary to exercise proper vigil and due diligence before issuing EPICs to new voters so that authorities will have some sort of information/data about presence of outsiders in the State.

    ECI is under pressure for finalising Electoral Rolls for the Assembly election but the important function of scrutiny and checking the antecedents of an applicant should not get diluted; all checks and balances must be exercised properly.

    Further, all fresh applicants may not get their EPICs on time for voting (there is no system to send EPICs by post) but according to ECI, officials will visit every home, check with the inmates and issue a replica of the electoral roll to enable voting. But voters must not forget to carry any one of the 21 (including Aadhaar) identity proofs along with the slip received from ECI.

  26. Saurabh Paul says:

    I have visited local BBMP office ,they said BBMP will send IDs in person to the address mentioned in application somewhere around 25h -26 this month.

  27. Bala says:

    I havent received my id yet but my name is in the list

  28. shubham says:

    I have apply 2 time for voter id card still i did not got id card

  29. Vasanthkumar Mysoremath says:

    To all those who have applied but not received the EPIC – I hope you have preserved the acknowledgement portion given by an official of the ECI. This is a very valid document – please go to your concerned ECI office, flash the acknowledgement, ask them why you have not received your card through the local ward office revenue inspector who is the person who should have delivered to you. Just for your information, in Mysore, nearly 1000 Voter ID cards (EPICs) were found in a garbage bin and the Deputy Commissioner personally came and supervised their recovery and promised to take action on those who were responsible to deliver those cards but instead, shirked their responsibility of going from house to house to deliver and just dumped them in the garbage bin on the street. Election Commission of India does not have permanent staff of their own but they depend upon State Government officials to complete their tasks. Elections are just a few months away, YOUTH OF THE COUNTRY MUST WAKE UP AND VOTE THEY MUST FOR A BETTER GOVERNANCE. There is magnificent youth power and it is the duty of the every youth to think of the country in which he is living and how to improve its governance.

  30. Shail says:

    I have submitted my application and status is showing as “Your Application Entered into the system. It is waiting for AERO Decision”. When I can expect my name included in voter list and when I will receive my voter id? I have applied through below link and submitted hard copies.

  31. Vasanthkumar Mysoremath says:

    Registration for freshers will continue till 12th March 2014. After that date, those who have acknowledgements, must keep visiting the ERO of their area and try to collect the same in person by producing ID cards. Please do not entirely depend upon the authorities to deliver EPIC at your door step since the Election office is understaffed and they depend upon mostly on revenue/BBMP officials like area Revenue Inspectors to deliver EPICs; but as you know the officialdom is not all that efficient when it comes to the question of last mile delivery system. Better be on your guard and get it by being after it.

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