Books on offer!

Offers galore from book shops in Koramangala. Kannada, Malayalam, English language books are on offer.

Book lovers in Koramangala are in for some treat as some of the book stores are offering discounts. Kannada, Malayalam and English books of different genres are up for grabs. Here are some book stores that have offers.

DC Books store. Pic: Deepthi M S

Landmark is having a ‘Buy 2 get 1 free’ offer on selected books. Books ranging from fiction, non- fiction, Best sellers, Children’s books, Harry Potter series, Twilight series are available under this offer. The offer also extends to books by author Robin Sharma.

Landmark Ltd., The Forum, 21 Hosur Road, Koramangala, Bangalore – 560 029 Ph: 080- 42404240

Crossword is offering a Lifetime membership card at Rs. 75/- Card holders can avail the offer ‘Buy 2 get 1 free’ on selected books. The Children’s section has a discount upto 50% on selected books. Crossword has also another discount offer where 25 best seller books are available at 30% off. These offers are available only till the 12 February.

No.51, SJR Padukone Plaza, 18th Main Road, 2nd Block, Koramangala, Bangalore – 560034 Ph: 080- 25505850

D C Books is one of the largest publishers of Malayalam books, it has a huge collection of books from various Malayalam writers. They are hosting a ‘Literature Fest’, where purchase of books costing more than Rs. 500 will avail a 10% discount. This fest is on till 15 February. Along with the wide collection of Malayalam books, DC also has a collection of English books, ranging from cookery, fiction, year books and dictionaries.

No.387, 4th Blk,80ft Rd, Koramangala, Bangalore – 560034 Ph: 080- 40939697

In Touch Books and Magazines book store has books on Novels, Children, Management, Computer, Technical and Philosophy. The store also provides books on Yoga, Architecture, Self Help, Travel and Cookery. The store is also providing a 10- 15% discount on selected books. The discounts are available till the end of February.

No. 19, BDA Shopping Complex, 3rd Block, Canara Bank Road, Koramangala, Bangalore – 560034. Ph: 080- 25537744

Sapna Book House has a wide collection of books, toys, stationery items, music CDs and gaming CDs. The store has an online booking facility, where online customers get some discount on their purchase. Another additional benefit for online shoppers is that Sapna has discarded their shipping charges for online shopping. Sapna, one of the major publishers of Kannada books, has a collection of a wide range of Kannada books also.

No:6, 80 feet Road, 7th Block, Raheja Arcade road, Koramangala, Bangalore 560095 Ph: 080- 40839999

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