Celebrate Ganesha chaturthi but spare the lakes

BBMP Press Release dtd 23-8-2011

Guidelines for Ganesha idol immersions

BBMP Chief, Siddiah, has requested all Bangaloreans to celebrate Ganesha Festival meaningfully with a thought for lakes. The following points to be remembered at the time of
immersing the idol to avoid polluting the lakes.

1. Idol immersion to be done only in specially created ponds in Ulsoor Lake, Sankey Tank, Yediyur Lake, Saneguruvanahalli Lake and 26 other lakes in various limits of the Region.
2. For the benenfit of citizens, this time also there are 63 Mobile Units for idol immersion where only idols of a small height can be immersed.
3. Use the ‘Entry Points’ only while entering the lake for idol immersion.
4. Ganesha idols must be immersed only in the specially created ‘Ponds’ in the lakes. Immersion in any other part of the lake is prohibited.
5. Flowers and leaves used for pooja must be put away in ‘Waste Bins/Containers’ kept near the entrance.
6. People are required to follow the queue system in order to prevent stampede at the immersion sections.
7. People are to follow directions of the BBMP and Police staff during immersion.
8. Do not buy colored idols as the colors pollute the lakes.
9. At the time of immersion, bursting of crackers and use of loudspeakers is prohibited.
10. Immersion of idols is not allowed after 10.30 p.m. in all the lakes.
11. Kindly pay attention to cleanliness and co-operate with the BBMP.
12. The colors of the idols might pollute the lake waters and the smell may cause discomfort to the people. Kindly bear and co-operate with BBMP till the ‘ponds’ are cleaned.
13. All immersion centers have experienced swimmers and essential staff from various  voluntary organisations.

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