Minister finds lapses at Victoria Hospital

Ramadass, Minister for Medical Education visited Victoria Hospital and has recommended corrective action.

The lapses observed at the time of Surprise Visit made to Victoria Hospital, Bangalore on 24 May 2011.

  1. During the time of visit attendance register of Doctors and other Staff members was verified. Out of 173 Doctors 73 Doctors were found to be absent. At the time of visit only 15 Doctors were present and the remaining 82 Doctors attended the duty after prescribed time. 03 Doctors went on leave. It was directed to issue notice to the absente Doctors and to call for their explanation.
  2. It was directed to cut one day salary to the Doctors who were un-authorized absent.
  3. It was observed that the Group C and Group D staffs were not using Bio-Metric System properly.
  4. In the Women’s Ward it was found that patient’s beds were not properly maintained and bedspreads were found torren. It was directed to keep Smt. Pushpa, Grade-2 Nurse, who is responsible for the non-maintenance of the ward, under suspension pending the enquiry.
  5. In the kitchen department it was observed that the kitchen supervisor Sri.Savari Raju, Clerk, has not maintained the stock register and as 64 K.G. of rice necessary for today’s cooking and only 30 K.G. rice stock was found. It was also observed kitchen stock register relating to vegetables and other ingredients have not been maintained. Since all these irregularities were found it is directed that Sri.Savari Raju, Clerk, be placed under suspension pending the enquiry.
  6. In the OPD Department Dr.Nazma P.G. Student who was diagnosing the patients recommended patients for private diagnostic centers and there by misused her duty. It is directed to suspend Dr. Nazma for the above lapse, pending enquiry.
  7. Dr.Pragna, House Surgeon, was not entering patient’s details in the OPD register and without proper diagnosis issued prescription slips for medicines to buy it from outside. Hence, it is directed to issue Notice to Dr.Pragna and to get her explanation.
  8. In the MRI Scanning section Nurse Grazia was not attending her duty properly and did not give proper attention for the cleanliness in the said section. Hence, a Notice may be issued calling for her explanation.
  9. In the OPD Department Dr.Prakash, was not supervising the maintenance of OPD registers and the caste and phone numbers of the out patients was not recorded in the register. It was directed to issue Notice to Dr. Prakash, calling for his explanation for the above lapses.
  10. In the ward it was found that Oxygen Unit was not maintained properly and it was directed to maintain it properly.
  11. Help Line Unit was not properly working in solving patient’s problem and it was directed to furnish necessary assistance to the patients.
  12. Cleanliness was not maintained properly in the Hospital, which is a lapse on the part of the agency and hence it is directed to change the private outsource agency immediately.
  13. The outsource security agency is not properly functioning and hence the license of this agency should be cancelled and it may be replaced by appointing ‘Home Guards’.
  14. The Lift in the hospital has not been started though this was entrusted to the PWD. Hence, a Notice may be issued to the Assistant Executive Engineer, PWD to take necessary action to install the lift immediately.
  15. Old Canteen and Association’s building be demolished as they are not maintained properly and it is not useful for the public. The PWD authorities were instructed to take necessary action.
  16. The ‘sulabh souchalaya’ which is located in the premises has not maintained properly and lots of condoms packets were stored in the toilet. Hence, it was directed to cancel the ‘sulabh souchalaya’ agency.
  17. The Resident Medical Officer is responsible for maintaining cleanliness in the wards, staff supervision and kitchen supervision properly. Since, he has failed in maintaining the hospital properly, the Resident Medical Officer is directed to go on compulsory leave.

   It is felt that the above lapses observed in the Victoria Hospital, Bangalore should be streamlined to bring reforms in the administration and also to increase the Doctors and Staff duty conscious it is felt a detail enquiry should be conducted through an enquiry officer. In this context it was decided to appoint a retired judicial officer to enquire into the above lapses and to suggest administrative reforms for better care of the patients and to improve the ambiance of the hospital and to give report within 15 days.  


S A Ramadass, Minister for Medical Education.

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