Guide to paying property tax 2010-11

It’s time for property tax payments for 2010-11. Step by Step guide to pay at the centres or online.

BBMP has started accepting payments for 2010-11 BBMP property tax, at BBMP Help centres and Bangalore One centres; one can also obtain the forms there. Payment has to be by cheque or DD in the name of the Commissioner, BBMP.


Online payment of property tax can be done at here.

BBMP allows you to pay online for the year 2009-10, if 2008-09 details are available online

You can pay online for 2010-11, if 2008-09 and 2009-10 details are available online. If your property details have not been uploaded, however you have paid and have the receipts, you will have to make a direct payment at the designated office.

Online payments have the advantage that fields are automatically populated based on your last year’s payments.

To pay online, you need the 2008-09 application no. or PID no. If you have 2009-10 number, click on "query search" to get the 2008-09 number, and proceed.

Use a White Form IV, containing only two sheets, if there is no change what-so-ever, either in the usage, additions / deletions to the structure and give details of the previous payment AND if there is a change in any manner, BLUE Form V containing 8 pages for full elaboration of the previous submission and the changes made now and has to be calculated afresh and make the payment accordingly.

For properties, where there is no change in any field – either in CATEGORY (rented out/non-residential), or DIMENSIONS (Any addition/deletion to the structure), USAGE (Tenanted/Self occupied) have to use the white form no. IV and enter the personal details in Part I as follows :

Column 1 : Assessment year already printed, write the appropriate property number (PID / Khata / Revenue Survey no.)

Column 2 : The application number of 2008-09, printed in the acknowledgement form and tick the colour of the form submitted.

If a revised return is submitted, the details of date of filing and the application no. to be filled OR write N.A.

Column 3 : The application number of 2009-10, printed in the acknowledgement form and tick the colour of the form submitted.


The payment of tax for the year 2010-11 has to be paid at the BBMP help centres where it was paid last year and the rebate of 5% is available upto 30th April. See list of help centres here.

If a revised return is submitted, the details of date of filing and the application no. to be filled OR write N.A.

Column 4 to 7 : Copy the details furnished in the previous year’s form.

Column 8 : a.Ward nos – old & new b.Ward names – old & new

Column 9 : Copy the details furnished in the previous year’s form.

In Part II (Details of Tax Paid for the year 2009-10) as follows :

Column 10a : Write the figures as per column 10a of the previous year form IV OR as per column 20 of form V

Column 10b : Copy the figure of column 10b of the previous year form.

Column 10c : Copy the figure of column 10c of the previous year form.

Column 10d : Copy the figure of column 10A l of the previous year form.

Column 10e : Copy the figure of column 10A o OR 10B w of the previous year form, as applicable.

Column 10f : Fill in appropriately if any payment is made.

A block period is one set of years, the prescribed tax rate continues. Previously it was five years and any revision of tax rates was done only after five years. Now that has been reduced to three years and the block period started with the financial year 2008-09 is to end by the FY 2010-11.

The tax for the year 2011-12 will be calculated afresh with different rates as was done for the year 2008-09.

Column 10g : Copy the figure of column 10A o OR 10B w of the previous year form in the amount column and the Receipt no. with date issued for your payment in the preceding column, if paid for full year OR write N.A., if paid in installments & go to the next column 10h and fill both the payment details.

Then decide when to pay and how to pay-during the rebate period OR after / either for the full tear OR in instalments. Then proceed as follows :

If you decide to pay for the full year with a claim of rebate (Before 30 Apr 2010) go to table 11 (Computation of property tax for the year 2010-11 if paid before 30-04-2010 to avail 5% rebate)

Column 11i : The year is printed as 2010-11 and copy the figure of 10a.

Column 11j : Copy the figure of column 10b.

Column 11k : Copy the figure of column 10c.

Column 11l : Copy the figure of column 10d if availed OR calculate 5% of the amount in 11k and write.

Column 11m : Copy the column 10e OR calculate and write.

Column 11n : Copy the column 10f OR put a dash.

Column 11o : Copy the figure of column 11m OR calculate as the case may be and write. (Here please round off your amount to the nearest rupee.)

If you decide to pay after rebate period (After 30 Apr 2010) OR in instalments go to table 12 (Computation of property tax for the year 2010 -2011 ifpaid in full without rebate O paid in two installments)

Column 12p : Copy the figure of column 10c.

Column 12q : Divide the figure of column 12p by 2 and write.

Column 12r : Copy column 12q.

Column 12s : Copy the figure in column 10f.

Column 12t : Calculate by deducting figures column 12q & s.

Column 12u & v : Self explanatory calculations.

Column 12w : Calculation of the above. (Here please round off your amount to the nearest rupee.)

Arrange payment and fill the payment particulars below these tables and sign with date. Then fill in the acknowledgement in duplicate get the entire form photo-copied and make payment at your designated help centre.

If there is a change in the property, use Form V (Blue) and calculate as done in the previous year and follow ‘Step by step guide for calculation and payment of property tax, published earlier.


1. One has to fill only table 11 OR 12 as applicable and draw a line across the other unused table.


  1. S Srinivasan says:

    I met Mr.Chandrasekar, DC Revenue to get clarifications on Clause No.3 of Instructions to Tax Payers for the year 2010-11 in Form iv . It states that Depreciation cannot be claimed for 2009-10 and 2010-11, as depreciation can be claimed once in the Block Period ie 2008-11.
    What I am told by him was that I should fill necessary details as in 2008-09 ,ie I pay the same tax for all the 3 years in the Block period.
    But that takes into account the depreciation for each of the the 3 years.
    As a faithful tax payer I paid the Tax for 2009-10 excluding the depreciation. I was told by DC that I can deduct the excess amount paid in the previous year now in 2010-11, which I did.
    Can anyone explain this anomaly between the Instructions clause and the actual practice?

  2. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.SS,

    Please go through all the comments along with the subject matter and this aspect was discussed in large and has been explained for the benefit of large by me.

  3. D R Prakash says:

    Hello Mr. Prakash,

    I have read your articles & always found them very informative. I am in need of advice & some info, if you could help to sort them out.

    As I have got my new flat registered in the month of Sep 2009 & as the flats were started being handed by the builder from Sep’09 onwards only, should the builder be paying the property tax for the year 2009-10 for the land & the property, as one tax or should the flat owners be paying individually, irrespective of the fact when we have occupied within the period of Apr 2009 – Mar 2010?

    The builder has paid the property tax for the year 2008-2009 & he is asking us to pay for our individual flats with the dues for the year 2009-2010.

    Looking forward to your guidance on the same at the earliest, as time is ticking away & we are not able to clear the property tax for this present year, till the time we are not sorting out that of the last year.

    W/o Maj Sanjay Pillai

  4. D R Prakash says:

    Dear SP Madam,
    The question of who should pay is SECONDARY here. The PRIMARY aspect is WHAT is to be paid. You have mentioned that the flats have been alloted in Sep ’09 and hence the tax for building has to be paid from 2nd half of 2009-10 by you. But without the full details of as to when occupancy certificate is issued and tax for the year 2008-09 has been paid for site OR for building, I am not in a position to guide you.

    Hence please forward the full details.


    27 05 10.

  5. Ashwin says:

    Hello Mr. Prakash,

    Thanks for this detailed and very informational post – I am facing a complication in paying the property tax. I purchased the house as a resale from the previous owner in 2009 end. At the time of sale, the previous owner paid tax and got the katha issued in his name, which we promptly surrendered to register the sale in my name.

    He doesn’t have a copy of the receipt or application number for the property tax paid, is there a way to get the details from any BBMP offices ?

  6. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Ashwin,
    The official procedure is lengthy. You can approach either the BBMP office with your PIN / Khatha / Survey # as the case maybe and obtain by greasing the palms. Other way is to go on the BBMP web and get details of payment with the help of the above number available in your registered document.

  7. venu says:

    Hello Mr. Prakas,

    We have bought a new flat from the builder. last yra we paid teh tax manually. This ye I paid through online, but latter realised that its not activated for individual flats. I ahev already paid the money through online. Pls let me know the procedure to map it to my flat.


  8. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Venu,
    Can you please furnish the full details of your act? as to what / which form you filled last year and at present as well as your statement “not activated for individual flats” has no relevance.

  9. D R Prakash says:

    from PREETHY (

    Is property tax applicable on land purchased in Mysore/Blore ? If so, how do we make these payments. We live abroad were not aware of this during the purchase, since we have missed out on past payment is there a penalty ?

  10. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Madam,
    You are right, there is a penalty for late payments. To guide perfectly, please furnish the details of the property with the nature and type, Converted OR revenue, direct purchase OR through developers, comes under corporation limits OR panchayats etc.

  11. mohammed irshad says:

    Dear Dr. Prakash

    I purchased a resale flat in Feb 2010. The previous owner has paid all taxes till 09-10 and i have the receipts for the same. When i tried to pay the tax for 10-11 online, i found the previous owner’s name is still in records. When i went to BBMP concerned office with copy of sale deed and previous paid receipts, they said i have to pay last 3 years taxes ( around 12 k)and then only i can change it to my name in records. Pl guide, is it true, why should tax be paid twice for same property and what is the procedure to change in my name


  12. Suresh says:


    I bought a flat in 2008 since i was out of country i was not able to pay the tax.Now i am in bangalore and want to pay the tax for all the years.Can i pay online but its asking for the previous SAS application number.Please guide me what are all the documents needed to pay the tax for the first time and where to go to pay the tax in belendhur area.

  13. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.Suresh,

    You can pay the tax for the entire period, but not on-line as the system adopted does not accept for previous years.

    You have to make physical payment. You have to purchase application forms for the year 2008-09, 2009-10 & 2010-11 (Form IV) and fill-up details as per explained in step by step calculation and further guidelines for the other years and make payment with separate cheques for each application. As for as location for payment is concerned, please refer to the TOI referred OR on website.

  14. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.Mohammed Irshad,

    The name of the property changes only when the KHATHA is transferred and not just by registering the deed. This entitles to change the khatha from the previous owner to your name. Till such time, in the records of BBMP, it will be previous owner name prevailing and you can pay the tax even in his name also which is legal.

    No duel payments is supposed to be made for changing the name, but to apply for a change of KHATHA.

    Sorry for the delay in replying due to some technical error of the system and your query failed to reach me.

  15. Sujesh says:

    Dear Prakash,

    Thanks for putting up such an informative site.

    I have paid my Property tax for 2010-11 through an agent sitting in Bangalore-One office at KR-Puram in November 2010.
    But he hasn’t given me the receipt since then saying the receipt book is out of stock. Till today he hasn’t provided it.
    Whom should I contact to get the receipt ?

    Thanks & Regards,

  16. Harshavardhana says:

    I purchased a resale flat in Dec 2010. Khata is transfered to my name. The previous owner has paid all taxes till 10-11 and i have the receipts for the same. When I enter the SAS 2008 – 09 Application No in BBMP Online property tax system., I can see 10-11 property tax reciept in previous owner name.
    1.How to verify khata I have in my name is authentic.
    2.How to verify that my detials is updated in BBMP records so that when I pay next property recipet will be in my name.
    3.Where to find the PID no.
    4.When i have to pay the next property tax.

  17. Asha Narula says:

    I was unable to pay property tax for previous 7 years and will be in Bangalore in March 2011 to pay the same. Does the BBMP have provisions for reduced penalty or waiver? Is there any rebate for women property owners? In New Delhi there is a provision for both. Please advise. Thanks, Asha

  18. Jayakumar K P says:

    Dear Sir,

    I registered my Flat in November 2009 which is under BBMP. The builder has paid the tax for the land till 2008-2009 that too recently. I have not paid the Property Tax till date and need to do immediately.

    I would like to know what are the forms to be filled and where are the offices. From which date I need to pay the tax; from November 2009 or from April 2009?

    Thanks in advance,
    Jayakumar K P

  19. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Sujesh, Harshavardhana, Asha Nurula & Jayakumar K P,

    First accept my apologies for keeping you in dark, the reason being a technical error and the queries did not reach me. As a considerable time has elapsed, if you still have the problem unsolved, revert back with full details of property location, previous tax payments against what etc. with a copy to my mail ID –

    Thanking You once again with sincere apologies,


  20. D R Prakash says:

    Hi Prakash,

    I read your article at and found it very useful. However I have still the following issue:

    I have purchased a vacant site and the registration done on 18th Nov 2010. I also got the Khata transfered to my name on 29th Nov 2010. The property details are as mentioned below:
    Site No: 455
    Katha property no: 455/455
    Balaji HBCS,

    When I go to online property tax to pay the property tax for the year 2011-2012, in the onwer field still the previous owner name is shown and I am not able to edit it to my name. I request you to let me know the process to get the name changed to my in the property tax system.

    The receipt numbers for the previous years tax paid are as follows:
    1723442 for 2008-2009
    1397015 for 2009-2010
    5723042 for 2010-2011

    I also went to BBMP office situated at Talghattapura, Kanakapura Road to rectify issue but the staff at the office mentioned that this is not in their control.

    Vijay Kumar K R

  21. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.Vijay Kumar K.R.,
    It is separate departments of BBMP, for collection of Tax and updation of data. I am sure your khatha might not have been issued computerised, but hand written. Your property comes under the new areas included to BBMP, where computers are not in total applicability.
    The staff at the tax collection point have no access for changing any data and when such is the case, how can you change it by yourself? If that provision is made, you will find different properties changed to different names by different people.
    All you can do is insist on a hand written receipt, where they can do it in your name.
    Remember, you pay tax for the property and NOT for the person. It hardly makes any difference, in whose ever name the receipt is.
    Hope it is clear now.

  22. Arun R says:

    I have bought a 30×40 land in nov 2009, all the tax, EC everything up to date as it was the first owner. Later after I bought this land and got both BDA/BBMP Khataha transferred to my name, and I am clearly the second owner in the new Encumbrance certificate. I paid tax for 2010-11, 2011-12 from BBMP office under my name. But still when i go for paying tax in bangalore one, its showing the first owners name. So I am forced to go to bbmp office and pay the tax. They will strike the old owner name and add my name manually in the paid receipt. Any idea when this issue will be resolved. I tried to contact BBMP office and they said the updation is under process and a new scheme is coming, so that owner can update details online themselves. I am worried…pls advice.

  23. Ravi says:

    I also have similar issue as Arun. I have Khataha in my name but as per BBMP database still it is showing the previous owner name. Past 2 years I have been paying tax in the same name since BBMP people said it will take time to get updated in database. Could you please explain the procedure to change the name?

  24. bhagavathula venkata naga bhaskar prasad says:

    Dear Sir,

    During khata transfer of property , seller paid property tax.

    KHATA transfer was done with correct name , but in property tax receipt I observed that the name is misspelled.
    Please let me know if it is a problem .

    If I pay property tax next time (2012-2013) with correct name is that fine ? Or do I need to visit the branch and ask them to get the prvious receipt to be corrected

    Please share your suggestion on this.

  25. bhagavathula venkata naga bhaskar prasad says:

    Dear Sir,

    During khata transfer of property , seller paid property tax.

    KHATA transfer was done with correct name , but in property tax receipt I observed that the name is misspelled.
    Please let me know if it is a problem .

    If I pay property tax next time (2012-2013) with correct name is that fine ? Or do I need to visit the branch and ask them to get the prvious receipt to be corrected

    Please share your suggestion on this.

  26. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.Ravi & Arun,

    Please accept my sincere apologies for the delay in replying due to a technical error, which ended in me not getting your postings.

    As I have received it just now, am replying as follows : This is a common problem faced by almost all the owners who have transacted since around 2004, as they have stopped issuing Khathas and regularisation is pending for the introduction of AKRAMA-SAKRAMA scheme.

    If you have gone through my previous reply, you would have not come out with this doubt. “TAX IS BEING PAID FOR THE PROPERTY AND NOT FOR THE PERSON”. Hence please check for the details of the property address.

    The first part of the information is correct, a new scheme of issuing SMART cards for property is on the anvil.

    The second part is incorrect, as public cannot change on-line. (Imagine what will happen if it comes true. Every property will be changed in everybody’s name daily.) IT WILL BE DONE BY BBMP ONLY.

  27. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.BVNBP,

    Please forget the name and concentrate on the address sir.

    You have to give in writing to (BBMP) THE REVENUE OFFICER of your ward mentioning the difference in the spelling and they will do it on the computer (Correction of DATA) and your further receipts & khata will bear the correct spelling.

    Please pay your tax, after getting the correction done to get the correct name, otherwise even the present receipt will be generated on the previous wrong spelling.

    Thanks for your approach.

  28. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr. Prakash,

    I find article quite useful,however would appreciate if you can guide me on following:
    I occupied a newly contructed flat in apartment complex during April 2011 and paid property tax (Form-V blue colour) manually in May 2011 for the year 2011-2012.

    As per property tax receipt provided by builder for 2008-2009 the application number fetches Vars builder as owner(Flats were built/sold by Ahad Builders on the land from Vars builders.These details are mentioned in sale deed with latest khata number in the name of Ahad builders).

    Kindly suggest:

    1.Is this OK that official records are still not in the name of Vars Builders.

    2.As earlier tax by Vars was paid on full land area (survey no.37/2)in what way the system/record accept property tax from 20 individual flat onwers on same common 2008-2009 SAS application number.
    Can I use 2008-2009 SAS application number to pay online property tax for 2012-2013.
    3.What can be done from our side to get PID allocated from BBMP.Will there be unique PID for each flat in apartment complex and what will be the format.
    Thanks for your answers in advance.

    Nipun Chawda

  29. D R Prakash says:

    Dear Mr.Nipun Chawda,

    This is a SELF ASSESSMENT SCHEME and whatever is submitted is accepted. Only on verification, they will issue notices, wherever there are mistakes.

    You are paying tax “FOR THE PROPERTY AND NOT FOR THE PERSON” Hence please check for the correct address.

    Each property will have PID numbers allotted by the BBMP and will be in the same order as it is at present throughout Bangalore.

  30. Praveen says:

    Dear Mr. Prakash,
    please help on my concern.

    I have an apartment in CV Ramannagar that I occupied in 2006. I paid tax using manual method till 2008-09 (before online system came in force). In 2008-09 tax receipt, my Property ID had last 3 digit missing (which is for flat no.). This I didn’t notice then. In 2009-10, when I entered my SAS Application no. of 2008-09, I got incorrect PID and owner name as UNKNOWN. I still paid the tax using online method in 2009-10 and 2010-11. I wrote my correct correspondence address in online form while paying the tax. In 2011-12, when I checked in online, owner name shown is someone else. This time I paid by visiting BBMP help centre. Tax receipt is issued in someone else name and with incorrrect PID. They refused to change the name and issue manual receipts.

    In February this year, I gave an written application to Asst Revenue Officer (CV Ramannagar) requesting to correct PID in online system. I have been following up since then. Correction hasn’t happened yet. Please advise me what should I do. Should I wait for correction to happen before I pay tax for 2012-13? Khata issued has correct PID and tax paid receipts from 2005-06 to 2007-08 has correct PID mentioned as well.

    Thanks in advance

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