ABIDe’s Plan Bengaluru 2020 – summary

The ABIDe task force of Chief Ministery B S Yeddyurappa has released this list of actions items, taken from Plan Bengaluru 2020.


Should you care about this plan? Read our news report here.

1. Create new Bengaluru legislation that supersedes /encompasses all Bengaluru/Municipal body legislations like BWSSB Act, BBMP act etc – Bengaluru Region Governance Act, (BRGA) 2009.

2. Establish the Bangalore Spatial Information Centre (BASIC).
3. Strengthen the Lok Ayukta Act.
4. Amend the Karnataka Transparency Act.
5. The Bengaluru City Report card to be presented by the BMRDA/MPC with Chief Minister as Chairman.
6. Launch official city website www.nammabengaluru.gov.in
7. Establish the Institute of Urban Planning and Governance (IUPG).


Roads, Traffic Management and Transportation

1. Establish ongoing transport demand growth study and research.
2. Make a single nodal agency responsible for data collection and management.
3. Prioritize high mobility pathways.
4. Big10

a. Survey each of the Big10 roads to arrive at a scientific solution for junction redesign or removal.
b. Make bus bays & footpaths mandatory on all Big10 roads.
c. Mark priority (not dedicated) bus lanes on all these 10 routes for faster movement of public transport buses.
d. Convert all Big10 arterial roads into 6-lane, signal-free and junction-free pathways between ORR and next major towns.

5. Outer Ring Road (ORR)

a. Make the ORR signal-free.
b. Complete all service roads along ORR.
c. Make bus bays/shelters/footpaths mandatory.
d. Mark priority (not dedicated) bus lanes along ORR
e. Make all Big10 roads’ intersections with ORR junction-free.

6. Between the ORR and PRR/NICE, provide connectivity between each set of 2 adjoining Big10 arterial roads using the existing roads/MDRs (Major District Road).

7. Airport connectivity

a. Establish connectivity between Tumkur Road (NICE at Nelamangala) and Bellary Road.

b. Establish connectivity between Old Madras Road (Hoskote) and the airport via Budhigere Road.

c. Explore rail connectivity along the existing the SW Railway track on Chikaballapur route.

8. Install safe pedestrian cross-walks underground or overhead at all major junctions.
9. Double BMTC’s fleet strength from the current 5700 to 11,000.
10. Expand direction-based public-transport routes, along with local routes and services in many neighbourhoods connecting to this grid.
11. Introduce a circular service for the central areas of the city.
12. BMTC to develop specific level-of-service metrics in addition to considerations of profit.
13. Integrate traffic control rooms of BTP and BMTC into a single centre with shared resources.
14. Develop commuter education plans and revise these on an ongoing basis.
15. Strengthen the BMLTA.
16. Constitute a team to focus on land relinquishment from the armed forces, central PSUs and other organisations for road widening, upgradation etc.

Heritage, Environment and Lakes


1. Establish a statutory nodal agency for the identification, protection and conservation of heritage in the Bengaluru Metropolitan Region.
2. Statutorily establish a Bengaluru Heritage Commission (BHC).
3. Establish the museum of Bengaluru in the premises of the Mayo Hall.
4. Create a Bengaluru Heritage Register (BHR).
5. BBMP to establish a Heritage Cell.
6. Create a spatial record of heritage sites.
7. Identify a special date as Bengaluru Day.
8. Establish a seed fund to create the BHR initially.
9. Develop restoration plans for each disfigured natural heritage site.
10. Undertake a study of international standards and best practices.


1. Map, identify and conserve wetlands adjacent to lakes.
2. Stop flow of sewage into all lakes.
3. Clear kaluves and feeder channels of encroachments.
4. Identify old growth, large canopied trees and record them in a spatial database.
5. Establish a public-public partnership (between the government and the citizens) program – "Natural Bangalore".
6. Establish the Bangalore Metropolitan Environment Authority.
7. Create a baseline spatial map of the city’s green spaces and biodiversity.
8. Draw up education programs for use by schools and colleges.

Lakes and Water Bodies

1. Restore all lakes and water bodies.
2. Transfer the upkeep and management of all lakes within BBMP limits to the municipal corporation. In the rest of the BMR, BDA shall be the agency responsible for this function.
3. Classify lakes in the BMR – (a) providing a portion of the region’s drinking water needs, (b) recreational purposes, and (c) eco-reserves for the region.
4. Identify ‘drinking-water’ lakes on the basis of spread area.
5. Identify recreational lakes.
6. Monitor lakes for water quality and lake ecosystem sustainability.
7. Draw up a "Lake Education" program for use by schools and colleges.

Water, Sanitation, Waste Management and Health


1. Establish the Bangalore Water Management Authority within BMRDA.
2. BWSSB to publish the percentage of Unaccounted Water (UAW) each month.
3. Install water meters in all supply lines of diameter greater than or equal to 6 inches.
4. Put into effect Automated Meter Readings (AMR).
5. Fix all leaks in water supply lines.
6. Create a program of self-registration of borewells in the BMR by the owners themselves.
7. Launch public-awareness campaigns of water-related issues.


1. Develop a comprehensive Sanitation Plan for each neighbourhood area and ward.
2. Launch an experimental participatory sanitation program in a few slums, to develop both individual toilets and community facilities.
3. Eliminate reverse gradients in the network.
4. Assess the age, internal condition, and surface wear of all lines; replace these lines where needed.
5. Restore damaged manholes.
6. Restore all STPs in the BMR region.

Waste Management

1. Establish an overarching waste management policy.
2. Establish small waste treatment plants in nalas on BOOT basis.
3. Introduce a city-wide program of e-waste management.
4. Document the best modern practices in waste-management and turn these into educational resources for corporators in the ULBs.
5. Develop and introduce a city-wide program of domestic waste segregation at source.
6. Establish a system of financial incentives and disincentives for each category of waste.
7. BBMP to create an R&D fund to study and document emerging practices in waste management.
8. Launch the Bengaluru Civic Literacy Program (Be-CIVIC).
9. BWSSB to develop a ‘sustainability’ rating for various plumbing fixtures.


1. Create the Bangalore Metropolitan Public Health Authority (BMPHA).
2. Introduce a Public Health Monitoring System.
3. BMPHA to develop specific target indicators for human development pertaining to health care.
4. Fill all vacant sanctioned posts.
5. Transfer hospitals in the old CMC areas to the jurisdiction of BBMP.
6. Establish preventive healthcare facilities (eg evening clinics) in all slums.
7. Create a Healthy Bangalore (HB) insurance program.
8. Karnataka State Pollution Control Board to establish a city-wide program of measuring air and water pollution, and make this information public regularly (daily-air, monthly-water).
9. BBMP’s "Health Bulletin" to be made a regular and permanent publication published and widely distributed at least six times a year.

Urban Poor

1. Establish the Bangalore Urban Poverty Authority within BMRD.
2. Establish a low-cost housing promotion program.
3. Undertake a comprehensive new survey of the urban poor.
4. Identify those eligible for government grants and subsidies at least once in two years.
5. Establish a diversified program of social housing, including ‘own’, ‘rent’, ‘rent-to-own’ options.
6. Establish a ‘lifeline water’ program that delivers a specific minimum quantity of water free to all slums at public locations.
7. Create extensive water harvesting programs in all slums.
8. Establish an eco-sanitation program in all large slums.
9. Install bins for collecting solid waste, appropriately sorted, in all slums.
10. Establish Primary health centres on a population basis throughout the city.
11. Establish Primary education centres, which also provide child care, in all large slums.
12. Create job-oriented training programs for the poor.
13. Develop employment, housing, schools and hospitals in peri-urban areas and nearby small towns.
14. Introduce a minimum-wage law, with wage thresholds to be determined by BUPA.
15. Establish a regulatory board to oversee working conditions, with a concentration on low-income workers.


1. Create a management and regulatory institution that oversees both public and private education in the BMR.
2. Transfer the operation of public schools in the region from the State government to the Urban Local Bodies and the panchayats.
3. Establish local school management committees for all public schools.
4. Establish a self-accreditation program by the top 100 schools, to which other schools can be added if they qualify.
5. Government to clarify its position on ‘learning a language’ versus ‘learning in a particular language’.
6. Create the Bangalore Metropolitan School District Authority to address all issues pertaining to public-funded education in the BMR.


1. Electrical devices to be energy labeled.
2. Permit domestic consumers to connect rooftop generated electricity to the grid and receive credit for such power.
3. Create awareness programs for energy conservation via the media, schools, colleges and so on.
4. Put into place a multi-tiered system of metering that can document billed and unbilled power at several geographic resolutions (entire city, neighbourhood, street, home).

Airports and Railway Stations


1. Build dedicated toilet facilities for cab drivers at the airport.
2. Develop the region around the airport – eg shopping malls, conference centres etc.
3. Construct a viewing gallery with all public amenities for visitors, especially school children.
4. Open separate counters for senior citizens and those physically challenged.
5. Humanely remove stray animals from the airport premises.

Railway stations

1. Create rail facilities in the southern part of the city.
2. Create local institutional mechanisms for the management of each Integrated Multi-modal Interchange Hub.
3. Provide larger waiting areas.
4. Provide automatic ticket dispensing machines.
5. Provide multi-level parking areas (especially basement) to accommodate the ever-increasing rail traffic and standardize amenity provision (+ provision for hawkers)
6. Provide roofs across all platforms.
7. Provide barrier-free environment with construction of ramps and lifts (where required).
8. Provide a well-designed signage system.
9. Improve overall lighting on the railway stations.
10. Introduce penalties for unsafe crossing of platforms by running across the railway lines.


1. Establish a Small and Medium Business (SMB) promotion program.
2. Create a dedicated fund for retraining people who lose their jobs.
3. Launch certification programs for unskilled and semi-skilled workers.
4. Identify and refurbish underdeveloped and abandoned parts of the city (buildings, blocks).
5. Launch an "Invest Bangalore" program led by professionals.


1. Undertake a massive program of home construction for the economically weaker sections.
2. Create an insurance market for land titles.
3. Second and subsequent sales of homes may be made VAT-able.
4. Revise land use and tax policies to facilitate new home construction.
5. Remove the 250 sq.ft. floor on homes.


1. Create a tourism-specific institutional framework with representation from all relevant stakeholders.
2. Create multiple KSTDC information counters as well as online facilities for dissemination of travel & tourism related information.
3. Commission Tourism Master Plans for identified Tourism Nodes & Circuits in the BMR Structure Plan – 2031.
4. Commission Tourism Master Plan for the City of Bangalore as an update of Bangalore City RCDP Master Plan for 2005 – 2015, integrated with the BMR Structure Plan -2031 and the Karnataka Tourism Policy 2009-2014.
5. Implement Policy TO2 – Enhance Accessibility and Amenities from the BMR Structure Plan -2031 in the BMR and for the city tourism resources.
6. Undertake/ commission complete lighting & signage project (in minimum 3 languages of Kannada, Hindi & English) for all designated tourism spots.
7. Create non-discriminatory ticketing prices for Indians and foreigners to promote the global image of Bangalore.

City Facilities

1. Create a City Facilities Assessment & Monitoring Committee comprising of the BBMP, Municipal Council & other Local Bodies (Ward Committees, Rural bodies etc) PWD, BESCOM, BWSSB, Transport & Traffic Department, Private Sector (especially the network service providers) & NGOs.
2. Provide "You are here" maps all over the city (especially in the city center) for orientation.
3. Provide basic amenities like public toilets, drinking water and telephone booths, mobile charging points at regular intervals (say, at 400m-600m walking radius) on important roads & streets within the urban area.
4. Provide, upgrade and maintain evenly paved footpaths.
5. Provide all residential neighborhoods with safe & well-maintained playgrounds, parks & other community (cultural + sports) facilities.
6. Enhance street lighting in major commercial areas.
7. Provide multiple police booths in addition to the existing police stations to increase vigilance across the city.
8. Launch a training program for school children to promote civic sense.
9. Improve graveyard and crematorium facilities.
10. Improve slaughter-house facilities to make them more environment friendly, hygienic and humane.
11. Create landscaped buffer areas around slaughterhouses to isolate the smell and provide minimal disturbance to residents of the area.

Secure Bengaluru

1. Establish the following:

a. Crisis Preparedness Group (CPG).
b. Risk Assessment and Analysis Group (RAAG).
c. Crisis Management Group (CMG).
d. Secure CMG Control Centre (CCC).
e. Special Security Zones (SSZ).
f. Crisis Management Command and Control Centre (CMC3). 

2. Introduce better legislation to support the law-enforcement authorities in their battle against terrorist acts.

3. Create a policy and framework for private sector armed security forces.
4. Introduce community and neighbourhood policing schemes.
5. Introduce a new statewide protocol for stolen vehicles and fake licences.
6. Plan and roll out an ID card system.
7. Institutionalize intelligence coordination between the state and centre.
8. Announce a designated Head of Coastal Security of the rank of ADGP/IGP.
9. Establish a Karnataka Coastal Security Command and Control System with multiple coastal stations on the same network.
10. Establish agreements between Karnataka Police and the Navy, Coast Guard, and Coast Guard Helicopter.
11. Develop a multi-mode, zone-specific public information system that can be used in the event of a security incident.


  1. Nagaraja Magonahalli says:

    we were lucky in bringing Dr A Ravindra, chairman, for spot inspection of connecting two existing 60’roads, very strategic connection in the neighbourhood. we even showed him sattelite pics we managed to procure from private org at our cost. He was fully convinced abot this important connectivity of roads lying disjointed for past 40 years. May be such things do not come under these plans!

  2. KUMARASWAMY N E says:

    first and foremost thing..empower lokayukta to prosecute .else its a wingless vehicle .done make it a reporting vehicle for political mileage alone

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