BBMP must compensate shop and home owners better

Unlike Metro's approach of compensating owners based on the property's market value, BBMP's road widening project does not benefit property owners.

BBMP wants to take land from the owners along the 100 feet ring road (BTM Layout and JP Nagar) for road widening. They say they are doing this "for the benefit of the larger population".

Now compare this with Bangalore Metro train project. The government setup a committee  called "Thomas Committee" which analysed the socio-economic impact and set the guidelines for deciding the compensation package for each of the affected land owners and business establishments. The report can be seen at the following link here.

Now the Metro is also being built in the same place and the irony is if your land is taken away by this project you will get a compensation of 130 per cent of market price plus value of loss of business. If your land is being acquired by BBMP’s road widening project you will get 0 per cent of the market price!

This is a gross violation of the "RIGHT to EQUALITY" under the indian Consititution. Our Supreme Court will surely decide this case in favour of the land owners and against the BBMP. But the question is what will be the stance of Karnataka High Court?

It is time for people to come together and fight this together. I request all of you to subscribe to the yahoogroups a lot of legal information has been posted on the messages archive.


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  1. Steve Fleurant says:

    This is right, the decisions are not equals.

  2. Shailaja Nagaraj says:

    it is gross injustice and the plan that the BBMP follow should be to think of alternatives, rather than destroy homes that people are living in. we have sent mails to subscribe to the group, you need to approve them. if u still have not rcd – please add the following id’s –

  3. Usha Srinath says:

    are you sure BBMP will not compensate? I would think that there is some law (certainly precedents) for compensating land owners for land acquisition. Usha Srinath

  4. attaulla sharieff says:

    suppose a person work for 30 years and he saved only one house and doing one small job to feed his family. it means after a hard work for 30 years he elevated himself from poverty. it means his economy is improved in another way indian economy increased. now this person is living happily with his family and living with known neighbor. suddenly in matter of days he will loose his house just with compensation much lower than the market value. so he goes back to 30 years behind with family and old age. now we have one person with family below poverty lane. sure they will become useless because the children are brought up in a god standard of life. three things can be happen. Again the whole family will work for 30 years to bring back economy level that was prevail 30 years ago or eliminate them self or go for begging.

    The investment of the citizens which in turns improved the economy of the country go under demolition.
    There a lot of ways to control traffics available with out demolition, but corruption closes the mind and heart.

  5. Arathi Manay Yajaman says:

    If we keep acquiring property for widening roads and building flyovers to keep up with the traffic, we will finally have only roads in this city!

    Congestion is usually during peak times. Our experiences in road widening and flyover building shows that traffic congestion only gets moved from one point to another.

    Focus should be on public transport infrastructure – like improvement in frequency of buses, bus shelters and their locations, location of traffic signals, review of one ways (some that are in force are unnecessary while others may make sense) and stricter driving licence enforcement.

    Sadly, the people in authority think otherwise and despite practical citizen suggestions they proceed to do as they wish.

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