Subra’s blend of abstract art with Indian concepts

A uniquely creative collage exibition by G Subramaniam and a nostalgic watercolour exibition by Srividya G S.

The well known artist G Subramaniam’s works were on display at Silk Interiors in Bella Vista on Lavelle Road earlier this month. This store for interior décor artifacts houses a gallery named "iArt".

Art by Subramanium

Artwork by G Subramaniam

G Subramaniam has a fascinating and unique way of expressing his creativity. He creates collages on canvases. Yes, the same collage techniques from your college and school competitions! Subra as he is popularly known in the art field, has combined this with his imagination and created a splendid new image. Most of his works revolves around Indian deities; Krishna, Brahma and Ganesha. Subra says, "I have been working with collage since my college days while learning the ropes as a graphic artist. The print media inspired me to work with collage where I transform everyday images into divine icons."

The figures that he created have an innocent and mischievous look on their face. They also have very similar face features, such as rounded eyes and red lips. The hands and the asthras (weapons) of all the gods are similar and have an abstract touch. The beauty of Subra’s art lies in the blend of abstract art with Indian concepts.

Subra has participated in groups and solo shows of his work in many parts of India and around the world. He uses different images from international publications, for his collage work. Among his work exhibited at Silk Interiors, the "Krishna-peacemaker" and the "Brahma" caught my attention.

iArt gallery also has a large collection of paintings of other artists, on different media, themes, colours and styles.

Watercolour Paintings by Srividya G S

Art by Srividya

Watercolour by Srividya G S

Fascinating watercolour paintings, created by Srividya G S, was exhibited in "Gallery Time and Space", on Lavelle road, from 10th May to 16th May. Srividya, who started painting at the age of 5, holds a masters degree in fine arts from Chitrakala Parishat. Her paintings clearly show that she is inspired by nature, landscapes and Indian villages. She has exhibited her paintings in multiple galleries in various locations, including the Mysore Dasara festival; The International Art Center, Dubai; Kynkyny, Bangalore;Time and Space, Bangalore and many more.

All her paintings leave a soothing effect in the onlooker’s mind. Her meticulous efforts bring out a dream-like, translucent layering of the watercolour medium. Her paintings invite a relaxed smile, a reaction to seeing something so simple and real.

The paintings are bright, with the key feature enhanced and the background blurred. In general, watercolour is considered to be a difficult medium, which does not give the painter the luxury of correcting one’s mistakes.

The paintings have children flying kites, playing with the rubber tires or cycling, colourful village markets and huge trees with people sitting around them. The colour, the crowd, the banyan trees with hanging roots and the stone temples portrayed in her paintings would make anyone who has been to a village, nostalgic.

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