Dear Deputy CM, DG Parameshwara Avare!
You have said:
“Zero traffic is my privilege. I won’t give it up!”
“I regret the inconvenience caused to common citizens due to zero traffic. However, managing time is crucial because of many government programmes and meetings.”
1. Zero traffic is our privilege too. We elected you to do our work, to fix it for us. We pay you only so our lives in Bengaluru are better, for no other reason.
2. You don’t need to give it up. You need to ensure we can all avail it. Invest in mass transit – train, bus & Metro, for us and for you. We will use it, and so must you. Make the city pedestrian and cyclist friendly. We will walk and cycle, and so must you. #ModaluBusTrainBeku. Traffic will automatically reduce for us and you. You don’t need to give it up and neither will we.
3. We are touched by your regret. Now, we need your action to demonstrate it. Don’t build the #ElevatedCorridor or the regret about inconveniencing us wouldn’t just be hypocritical, it would be permanent.
4. Managing your time is crucial, we agree. We have the great respect for anyone who puts his or her name on the ballot, and is willing to shoulder public responsibilities. Since government is just euphemism for people, your time is only crucial because of the work you do for us. Surely that cannot be more important that the people themselves, and our own delays?
We wish you smooth travels in Bengaluru and remind you that the only way to guarantee stress free and delay free commute is to prioritise public and mass transport over motorised private vehicles. Here are 3 mantras for you:
#ULisiUdyaanaNagari #SaveGardenCity